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we arrived at the supermarket and all the boys were now aware that we were trending so of course they had to harass me and reece about it for the next 10 minutes which they found hilarious. we went round the shop picking up everything i needed but it took us so long, the boys were so immature. i mean it was hilarious some of the thing they found in the shop and the things they came out with but they were so embarrassing. at one point i went to look for shampoo because i was running low and when i came back i had a trolley full of condoms. they all thought this was the funniest thing they had ever seen especially when they refused to put them back so me and laura had to pretty much re-stack the shelf and Jake and Barclay were on the floor in tears. Jesus remind me never to bring them here again!

after we had done all the shopping we got back into the cars and drove back to mine. when we got home i told James to help the boys find everything for their breakfast as he knew were everything was and then me and Laura went upstairs to take a shower. i have 4 showers and they are all next to each other so whenever she stayed over we showered at the same time and sung along to all our childhood songs. (the showers have frosted glass so we cant see each other). i got my speaker and connected my phone to it so that we can both hear the music and then put on our play list which consisted of alot of busted and the spice girls. we were in the showers for around 20 minutes, Laura got out first and went to get changed and ready for the day so i was left in there on my own but i carried on singing along to the songs. i got out about 5 minutes after Laura i put a towel round me and put my hair up in a towel and walked out.

as i turned the corner out of the bathroom i saw all the boys were sitting on the floor , i jumped so bad i almost dropped my towel.they were all jjust sitting on the floor smiling and eating their bowls of cereal and they looked like such idiots.

"what are you doing?" i asked them

"did you have a nice sing song?"charlie replied making them all pretty much spit out their cereal

"yes i did actually thanks for asking"i said laughing but trying my best to cover up my embarrassment

"go get changed while we shower your coming out with us and then your staying at mine tonight "James said

i suddenly realised i was still standing there in front of the boys in my towel so i quickly hurried into my room to get ready. i took my hair out of the towel and brushed it through then left it to dry a little as i did everything else. i got out my outfit for the day , it didn't take me long because i normally think about this in advance. it was raining today but it was still warm becuase it was summer so i decided on my 'livin lavida broka' jumper because it wasn't to thick so i shouldn't get to hot , a pair of black leggings and black converse. after i had changed i dried my hair which toke about 20 minutes and then i did my makeup which was just foundation, powder and bit of bronzer and mascara and then i was ready. i walked out and everyone else was all ready ready and waiting for me.

"were are we going?" i asked the boys

we're going out for lunch and then going into to town to do some shopping"tom said

the second tom said that we were going out for lunch my eyes shot to James, i had some anxiety problems but like not bad ones i just hated eating outing and James knew this.

"oh guys me and E are going to take her stuff to mine while you guys go eat, we'll meet you in town and we'll get some food at mine" James quickly replied saving my back

everyone agreed that it was okay and we all got our stuff , i ran upstairs and got my bag for jamess which is always ready packed. Laura had to go home at this point so i said bye and she left leaving me with all the boys.

Chris ,Tom ,charlie ,Reece ,Casey,Barclay and jake all left to go and get food and me whilst me and James went his house to go see his mum as I hadn't seen her all week and drop my stuff for the night there. James doesn't live far from me so we set off on our like 10 minute walk.

"so how comes im staying at yours tonight?" i asked him, i mean it was normall for james to just say i was staying there but i wondered if there was any particular reason

"because I'm having a party ish thing tonight but i knew you wouldn't come if i told you so i just said you were staying the night" James said

"omg no James i don't wanna go cant i just go home"i pleaded

"nope you cant but don't worry reece will be there"he said winking

"oi shut it theres nothing going on with me and reece"i replied

"mmhhmm whatever you say"he said picking me and running to his front door

we arrived at James's and he out me down. i walked ran up stairs to put my bag in James's room whilst he made us some drinks. i ran back downstairs and saw his mum i literally ran at her and hugged her. James's mum was like a second mum to me and she has helped me and my mum through so much. i hadn't even thought about it but my mum didn't come home last night but i sort of assumed that she was here because that's were i normally find her.

"is mum alright?" i asked her

"what do you mean?" she said

"well didn't she come back here yesterday?"i asked a little more worried than before

"uurm no" she said.

"she hasn't come home in a few days i thought she would be here"i said beginning to get worried because she never tells me were shes going so i have no idea were she even went the last time i saw her

"its alright Im sure she okay, shes a grown women she knows how to look after her self"she reassured me

"but she cant look after herself otherwise she would, if she could look after herself then we wouldn't be in this situation, i wouldn't be the one looking after her , she would have a job and a life outside of where ever it is that she even goes!"i shouted loosing my temper.

James obviously heard and came out to see what was going on. i just stood there shocked at what i had just done. never have shouted at my auntie like that before i didn't know what to do so i just walked out. i didn't even know where i was going but i started to run, i could hear James calling for me but i was out of view so he wouldn't know which way i went. i carried on running until i came to a Small alley, i knew no one ever came down here so i stopped running , i leant against the brick wall and slid down it till i was sitting on the floor. i was cold now and it was still raining but i didn't have any where to go and i defiantly didn't want to go home right now.

Right I don't really know why I bother saying I'm going to do regular updates because it never happens.
I will try to update but no promises and plus it's Easter so I'm out a lot with friends
Plz leave comments and shiz because this is my first story thing and I just want some feedback tbh x

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