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So today was the first day of summer ,I loved not having school it makes you feel so free like you can just do whatever you want. I had no plans for today coz most of my friends just sleep on the first day of the holidays so I decided I would go shopping ,I needed new summer essentials but generally just clothes .

I went downstairs to get some breakfast but I wasn't to hungry so I just had a piece of toast and a glass of orange juice, once I'd cleared my breakfast stuff I decided I would watch some tele before going up for my shower. I watched an episode of friends and then decided that if I wanted to get to the shops at a reasonable time I should probably begin to get ready.

I went upstairs and went straight to the bath room ,I brushed my teeth an grabbed some towels. I hopped I the shower and washed my hair face and body ,which toke about 20 minutes. when I got out of the shower I went into my room and choose my outfit for today ,which was black leggings , my favourite grey baggy jumper and my black air max. I brushed my hair through and dried it , My was hair is thick and curly so it takes about 20 minutes and then I had to straighten it which takes another 30 minutes, this is why I had to get ready early coz when I wash my hair it takes so long to dry and style. I decided that once I straightened it I would just leave it down, I applied some basic makeup just some mascara ,foundation and the basics. I turned on my phone as I hadn't been on it this morning , I had a few text from my Laura asking if she could come over later, I said that it was fine but I would text her when I home as I was popping out for a bit . I then went on to snapchat and opened everyone's story and then realised I had a snap from James saying that he would be over later with some stuff from his mum for me, James and Laura knew each other so that was not a problem and I just said okay to show I had acknowledged it.

I put on my shoes and grabbed my bag I put in my purse ,keys and a lip balm and left the house locking up behind me. I had to hurry as I was getting the bus there and I was at risk of missing it. I got to the station with about 5 minutes to spare so I sat down and checked my Instagram and decided to go and stalk some of my friends and see what they had been up to. after about 2 minutes a boy who I think was probably my age ,maybe A little older arrived ,he had blonde hair with dirty blonde roots but I think they purposely done coz they looked good. We sat there in an awkward silence until the bus arrived.

The bus journey toke about 20 minutes and when I arrived I decided I would to new look as I knew that they had a t-shirt that I had been eyeing up for a few weeks. I made my way to new look and just wondered around for a while ,to be honest I hated shopping and I was useless at it and that's why I only come when I have something specific I need and in this case that was summer clothes. I found the T-shirt I wanted and a pair of denim shorts and went to pay. after that I wondered around a few other shops picking a sunglasses ,some cute rings and some hair bands up but mainly a lot T-shirts. I had been here a few hours and I was know regretting not eating more at breakfast coz I was hungry now but I decided I would go to boots and pick up a sandwich. I began in the direction of boots as my phone started ringing ,I carried on walking whilst fumbling in my bag for it ,as I turned a corner still not looking were I was going I walked straight into someone I fell to the ground and subsequently dropped my phone. I was so embarrassed that i hadn't even bothered to see who or what I had walked into , as I looked up I saw it was the boy from the bus stop " I'm so sorry I wasn't looking were I'm going are you okay?" I said with true apology in my voice. "I'm fine , if anyone's hurt it would be you...seeming as you are the one on the floor" he said laughing whilst reaching out his hand to help me up. I stood up and patted myself down , I suddenly realised I had dropped my phone and started to panic as I couldn't see it anywhere " looking for this?" The boys said holding out my phone,I was making such a fool of myself and it didn't help that this boy was relatively good looking. I took my phone from his hand nodding in appreciation. "my names reece by the way ,yours?"
" uh my names E" I said whilst mentally face palming because I had such an awkward name . " alright well hopefully I see you around then,um E" he said slightly hesitating when it came to my name. he walked away and picked up my bag , after this I had forgotten all about being hungry and just decided to go home.

I made my way to the bus stop and of course guess who was there...Reece, this literally could not get anymore awkward. I went over and sat on the other end of bench try hard to not let him notice me. I was just about to see who it was who called me earlier when I heard someone in the background , I looked up and realised that it was reece talking to me "following me or something?" He said laughing " mm yeah defiantly" I said sarcastically. he laughed and then the bus arrived ,the bus was full except for a few empty chairs which I were thankful for because my legs ached and I did not want to end up sitting next to reece!

When I got home I dumped everything in the living room and text James and Laura to tell them I was home and that they could come over whenever ,I also told Laura that James was coming and James that Laura was coming and informed them that they could both say over if they want (James is family don't go getting any funny ideas). James text back to say he was leaving in ten ,it only toke him about 5 minutes to get here so I went and packed away all my shopping to pass the time ,this only toke a few minutes but at least it toke of a few minutes of waiting.

Skip waiting and Laura ariving

Me ,James and Laura were all sitting I the living room watching Angus thongs and perfect snogging which James detested but me and Laura loved so he let us watch it. It was coming up to our favourite song and James phone began to ring causing me a Laura to shout "JAMES!" He laughed and left the room to answer it.

James re-entered the room about ten minutes later and asked if the his band could come over. I knew he was in a band but I'd never met them so I was a bit sceptical but in the end I said okay because I decided that if I always said that then I would never meet them. James said they would be here in about half an hour so I got up from the sofa to make sure I looked presentable ,I mean first impressions and all.

//sorry Ik these first 2 ones arnt that good but it's going to get better in the next one//
-btw James in this is James graham

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