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E's P.O.V

Everyone had been up for a few hours now and we'd all showered and gotten ready. James's party was tonight and everyone had to help set up for it. there wasn't really much to do because it was just a house party and it didn't have a theme or anything so all we really had to do was take all the valuables to the garage where they couldn't get broken.

Once everything was moved it was almost 5 o'clock ,the party started at nine so we had a few hours to do nothing. james's mum came home as she had gone to her boyfriends house last night after the whole shananagon , I apologised and she accepted it but neither of us new where my mum was. I decided to not let it get to me Becuase I didn't want it to ruin my day and anyway she could be home now for all I know.

James's mum went back to her boyfriends becuase she didn't want to be in the way tonight and it was also an excuse to stay with her boyfriend who I think is called Matt, they've been going out a few months I've never met him but he seems decent. after a about an hour and a half she left again and I figured I should probably start getting ready. I told the boys and then went up stairs, I went into the bathroom because I obviously needed to shower. I got myself a towel and jumped in first I washed my hair and whilst the conditioner was in I washed my body and face. once I had done everything you needed to do in a shower I got out. I put on a pair of pyjamas which you might find weird but I always do the outfit part last so I don't get makeup or anything on it. I decided that first I would do my hair as it takes the longest, I put in some de-frizz stuff and then I blow dried it. once my hair was completely dry it had taken around 20 minutes so I decided I would just straighten my hair because I guess to lazy to curl it or anything fancy. my hair took about half an hour to staighten my hair and the boys had started getting ready by this point so I knew I should probably hurry up. I got my make up out and chose what I was going to do , once again I was to lazy for anything fancy so I just did my normal make up which is just foundation ,mascara ,a bit of bronzer and powder but I added eyeliner so that it at least looked like I had put in the effort. my make up took about 15 minutes but it was alright becuase I only had to get dressed now. I took out my the selection of outfits I had brought and was faced with the hardest decision of the day...which one to wear? the first option was a light blue strapless dress but it was a casual dress not like a dressy up one and the second choice was black cropped vest top with detailed sleevy bit and a pair of acid wash bum shorts. in the end I decided on the second out fit (photo at beginning) just becuase it was more me and a dress felt too girly. I was finished getting ready now and all the boys where downstairs again so I decided I would go join them. I picked up my phone and took a quick selfie and then headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen where all the boys were gathered round the kitchen table so I went a sat down on the spare seat.

(A.N/I can't do the math so although I put how long each bit of E getting ready took I'm jut going to say it's half 8 now)

Reece P.O.V
E came downstairs to join me and the rest of the boys , we weren't doing much just having some pre-drinks and waiting for the party to start. charlie threw her a beer and to be truly honest I kind of expected her to be like all girly and like oh no I'm fine thanks but of course not becuase this is E , instead he said thanks mate and opened it up and took a swig but I mean I'm not complaining I loved that.

After about 20 minutes people began to arrive and everyone else began to spread out and mingle. I went off with charlie as we had both invited some of our own friends so we thought we'd introduce them and get them into the sprit.

it had been a few hours by now and almost everyone was drunk , me and James were standing in the living room and neither of us were exactly mortal but we wernt sober either so we were at that safe point where you still know what your doing. I suddenly felt some fall into the back of me , I turned round to help them up when u realised it was E.

"Get out my way slag" said the girl who had obviously pushed E over. I literally saw the rage in E's eyes grow and suddenly she was gone.

"Oi what the fuck did you just call" she shouted pulling the girl round to face her. this girl was not expecting her to react like this and she defiantly was not going to win this.

"I called you a slag why do you sound so surprised?" She questioned

"Urm maybe because I'm not and it's defiantly a bit rich coming from you ,bet your own mum thinks it of you"E replied

"Well at least I have a mum"she laughed

Suddenly E punched the other girl knocking her to the floor.

"Bitch I have a mum" she replied walking out the room.

Everyone stood in the room just stared at the other girl who was slowly sitting up, I mean she brought it on herself to be honest.

"Go find E and make sure she's alright and quick before she can go far and you...girl you can get out i don't even know you" james ordered.

The girl ran out slaming the door and everyone returned to whatever it was they were doing. I began to head out the back of the house as I had seen E leave in that direction. I walked out into the garden and saw the back gate swinging to a close. sneaky I thought to myself . she obviously thought that if she went this way no one would find her but oh no I'm not risking letting her get away. I quickly followed after her seeing her run down the road and round the corner , I knew that I was going to have to run if I was to keep her in sight so I began after her. I followed her route round the corner and onto the next road , the road was long and it was extremely dark and just to add she was wearing primarily black but I could see her as she went under each street light. I was beginning to catch up with her when she went out of sight , I couldn't see her under the flash of light , I carried on in the same direction And came across a thin path I decided it was my best shot of finding her as she wasn't any further down the road. I went through the path and at the end was a massive green area and yep just in the corner was E. I stopped running by now and slowly walked toward her, she was sitting on the ground holding her head in her knees she didn't even know I was here yet so I just sat next to her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she turned to me noticing who it was.

"You didn't think I was going to let you go again did you" I laughed

"But you should be at the party enjoying yourself" she replied

"I enjoy myself when I'm with you" I said putting my arm round her. she rested on to me and we sat in silence for a few minutes just staring into the darkness.

"I shouldn't of reacted like that I mean I'm not even drunk , is the girl alright ?" E asked , tears beginning to roll down her cheeks , but I knew she was upset because of what the girl had said nothing to do wit her reaction.

"Hey cmon she deserved it and shes fine she ran out quick enough" I replied.

I wiped the tears from her cheeks lifting her face to face me. our eyes Locked to one another's and we stared into each other's eyes for a few moments , I leaned in and our lips met. we moved in sink with one another , it felt so natural but the kiss was passionate , I felt her smile under the my lips as I pulled out. I smiled back at her and she just leant back onto me.

"James May kill me" I laughed and kissed the top of her head.

"He doesn't have to find out" she smirked.

//okay okay I'm sorry Im so bad at uploading but I get there I the end. I was aiming to update again on Wednesday but then I realised that's tomorow and I think we all know that's not going to happen...So yeah update on Thursday hopefully

They kissed🙈

Thanks for reading x //

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