What hes capable of

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Reece had told her? I don't understand why he would do that it wasn't his place to tell anyone let alone, her.

Reece looked as if the words were aimed at him , his face was blank and it made it worse that I couldn't work out what he was thinking. did he do this on purpose? I don't understand.

"You told her?" I said turning to face reece

"No...well not exactly" he replied not bothering to look me in the eye but at the floor instead.

"What do you mean not exactly"I asked.

I don't want to get mad at him but all I'm asking for is an explanation.

"I don't know it's confusing" he responded

"Reece please just give me a solid answer did you tell her or not?" I pleaded.

"I didn't tell her but it's my fault she knows" he said getting quieter with each word.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me ?" I replied , my anger slowly rising.

"I didn't know it would be a problem, I didn't know it would end up like this" he said finally looking up at me.

I could see the guilt and regret in his eyes but I didn't care , this was his fault.

"Whether you knew it would turn out like this or not you should have told me. this is personal to me I had a right to know!" I replied trying my best not to let my anger get the better of me.

"I'm sorry" reece whispered as I turned and ran out.

Reece P.O.V

I felt so bad I hadn't meant it to go like this I didn't know it would be a problem. I still don't even understand what happened , how do they know each other. I know now Melissa was just playing me and charlie wen she said they where old friends but if that's not it then what is their past?

I want to text James , ask him about them but that means I'll have to explain that I've let E run out the house in an area she's not familiar with and whilst it's relatively dark. charlies not much help he's just sitting there in the corner , I want him to make Melissa leave but he seems oblivious to that so I'm not exactly gunna hold my breathe for that happen.

I decided I'm going to have to call James, he knows E's moods best and I guess it's the best option I have right now.

(R= reece & J = james)
' Ring ring' // <~😂//
J- bibby what's up?
R- I have a problem
J- what do you mean , is E okay?
R- I would like to say yes but I'm not entirely sure.
J- Reece what the fuck are you on about what's going on?
R- some stuff happened between her and Charlie's girlfriend which was based around her mum and it was slightly my fault and now she's angry at me and shes run out.
J- what the hell who is this girl.
R- shed called Melissa , I'm hoping you know her and can kind of shine some light on the situation
J- fuck sake Reece yes I know her they hate each other you twat
R- oi how was I supposed to know?
J- alright whatever but what do you mean it was your fault?
R- well I told Charlie about what happened with her mum - but only so that he knew to like be careful and not do anything that could upset her and I guess Melissa over heard our phone call.
J- Omg well do you have any idea where she is?
R-not really no
J- for fuck sake Reece why didn't you follow her?
R-I don't know I want think straight okay but arguing about this isn't gunna help find her , do you have any idea where she could have gone?
J- no because I never make her so angry she bloody runs out! But I'm on my way with Jake , be ready outside charlies.
R-"fucking ell james I didn't mean to " was all I got in before he hung up.

I decided to go and get charlie to come with me especially now he used his bloody common sense and got that 'thing' out if the house.

James arrived in the front garden about 15 minutes later. (let's just say Jake drove...) E had now been gone for over 20 minutes and she could be anywhere by now so of course james was not happy in any way shape or form. none of us had any clue where she could have gone or where to even start but we decided to split up and search around any way. normally it would of probably gone me and charlie go one way and Jake and james another but oh no , James insisted I stay with him probably to complain to me but I mean how was I supposed to know this would happen?

James P.O.V

I can't believe reece would let E leave like that , I trusted him to look after her because I thought there was actually something proper going on between them the way they got along so easily and quickly but obviously not. we're going out to look for her now but I doubt we'll find her , she could of gone to so many places by now.

"Alright where are we going first?" I asked reece.

"I don't know ,what sort of places does she like to go to calm down?"he replied.

Jesus Christ this boy is as useful as chocolate kettle , how the hell would I know the answer to that?

"Do I look like a 16 year old girl to you?" I snapped

"Urm no..." He answered slightly confused.

"Then how the hell do you expect me to know where she would go?" I replied.

"Well I thought as you know her best maybe you could shine a bit of light on the situation, whereas I've only the known her a week!" Reece answered raising his voice.

"Exactly you've only known her a week and already you've caused so much trouble!" I shouted back.

"Why don't you understand I wasn't to know this was going to happen , I was trying to look out for her"he questioned coming closer with each step.

At this point I realised this needed to stop.One because this wasn't going to help and two no-one knew what that boy was capable of when angry.

//I wrote 98% of this the day after my last update but yeah I'm pretty amazing at procrastinating.

I know this is short and actually quite bad but I will be updating v soon so urm ...deal with it :)

Thanks for reading x //

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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