Chapter 35: Kage Summit Part 2: Fateful Moments

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Mindscape Title
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Hn (Translations)
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*This starts after Tobi declares the 4th Great Shinobi War.

With Tobi and Sayuri
"Here, I'll drop you off here, I'll stall Danzo, they seem to have business with you" says Tobi as he jumps onto a tree and follows after Danzo leaving Sayuri.

Sayuri sees Sukima with Shikamaru, Shino and his little sister and asks "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm back to normal" says Sukima.

"You're betraying me?" asks Sayuri.

"No, I was betraying myself for the longest time" says Sukima.

"Betraying yourself?" asks Sayuri as she glares at him and says "I'll kill you for this!"

"I won't let ..." starts Miyuki but Sukima stops her.

"I'm stronger than her, I know it, I can beat her, there's no use in you getting injured for no reason" says Sukima.

Sukima's Group Vs Sayuri
"Did you just say you're stronger than me?" asks Sayuri as her eye morphs into a Mangekyo and shouts "Raijin!" as a bolt of lightning flies and Sukima dives at the others forcing him to the ground as the bolt pierces through multiple trees and then Sayuri says "Stop" as the bolt freezes mid air and then she thinks 'Disappear' and the bolt disappears.

"What the hell was that?" asks Miyuki.

"The Raijin, Sayuri's Mangekyo ability" says Sukima.

"I will silence you" says Sayuri.

Sukima makes some hand signs and shouts "Maruichi Style: Elemental Bullet Spray!" as bullets of all different Chakra Natures spray at Sayuri who rushes forward as she uses her Sharingan to dodge the attack as she hook kicks Sukima's hand to the side so he can't use his Jutsu.

"You think something like that would work on me? Don't underestimate the Uchiha!" shouts Sayuri as she punches at Sukima who catches it but then Sayuri kicks him in the ribs and then knees him in the gut as he stumbles back and Sayuri kicks him in the jaw sending him into the forest.

"So much for I'm stronger than her" says Shikamaru as he makes a hand signs and shouts "Shadow Possession Jutsu!" as his shadow extends at Sayuri who dodges as Shino sends his insects to block off her escape paths and Miyuki uses various Ninjutsu to do the same until Shikamaru finally catches her.

"Congratulations, you made yourself an easy target" says Sayuri as her right eye morphs into a Mangekyo and she says "Rajin Style: Ricochet" as her bolt of lightning hits Shino in the leg and then Shikamaru in the arm as they fall to the ground applying pressure to their wounds as Miyuki desperately starts using Medical Ninjutsu and she manages to stop the bleeding as they groan in pain.

"It's okay she didn't get your bones or muscles, you just need a proper Medical Ninja and some time to rest, don't move an inch or the wounds will reopen, I'm not experienced in Medical Ninjutsu" says Miyuki.

"Thank you" says Shino and Shikamaru as they continue to groan in pain.

"Now it's your turn, let's see you heal yourself without a arm" says Sayuri as she releases her Killing Intent and Miyuki imagines her arms being ripped off her body and the blood flowing everywhere as she shudders in fear and Sayuri then says "Now then, let's make it a reality, shall we?" as a bolt of lightning charges but Sukima appears and pulls Miyuki out of the way, just in time as the bolt strikes the ground where they had been an Miyuki faints, laying on the ground, from being tired.

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