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"so i'm guessing she didn't want to be seen with you" dahyun says after sarcastically drinking a sip of tea. "you already know why she didn't want to come, so cut the crap already" tzuyu responds in a calming tone but with a deadly stare.

dahyun stretches her arms up in the air and let's out a stressful sigh " im pretty sure she's on her way over here" tzuyu shoots dahyun with an unreadable expression, immediately understanding what she meant by that.

"what makes you think that" tzuyu asks cluelessly sinking down in her chair. "she wants you eliminated from existence with no trace of you anywhere" dahyun replies in a sarcastic tone whilst rolling her eyes.

"the way she was venting to her minions about making you scream in agony while stabbing you in the guts, should not be taken lightly"

tzuyu felt uncomfortable after hearing that but also wasn't shocked neither, she feared for her friends and family's safety. she knew she had to think of something quick to keep them away from her.

tzuyu got so deep in her thoughts she totally forget dahyun was sitting in front of her.

dahyun notices how anxious tzuyu started to get. her mouth was muttering inaudible nothings, while looking down at the table and biting her finger nails. after watching tzuyu look like she's initiating a satanic ritual dahyun calls the waitress over to ask for another cup of tea.

when the waitress comes over she gives dahyun a friendly smile asking her if everything was okay with what she ordered. But on dahyun's behalf she explains how she just wanted another tea.

the waitress looked over at tzuyu and almost flinched at her state. "ma'am is everything okay, would you like anything to drink?" the waitress asked concerned.

" oh don't mind her, she's just being a whimp because her sisters on her way to kill her" dahyun answers nonchalantly with the mention of her sister slapping tzuyu back to reality.

tzuyu looks around as if she woke up in someone else's room then finally took notice on the waitress standing beside her with a curios look on her face. tzuyu started to carefully analyze her, body, face, and features.

she automatically pointed out that she was a foreigner from her slightly larger eyes, her hair colors black, which is cut in a bob, she had a slim body and knew she was slightly shorter then her.

dahyun cleared her throat to interrupt tzuyu's stare down with the innocent waitress. tzuyu faked in a cough after realizing how long she's been staring at her. the waitress saw this and took a step back.

"and you are?" tzuyu asked sitting up from the previous position to a more suitable one. a little taken back at the direct question lisa answers " i'm lisa, lisa manoban" as she points at her name tag which tzuyu totally didn't see.

"tzuyu" she said plainly answered while fidgeting on the table cloth. dahyun shakes her head while rubbing her temples due to how awkward tzuyu is

lisa's face drops and frowns " i didn't ask, do you want anything or not" she repeats with boredom in her tone while digging dirt out of her nails

tzuyu and dahyun's faces drop as well, dahyun lets out an ugly laugh that brought the other ladders attention to her. "a two face waiter working at a calm café, i see a lot of me in you" dahyun says resting her chin on her palm.

lisa's face changes to a disgusted look as if she's walked in on her parents having sex but calmed down as she was about to speak again. "i'm offended, your talking down on me as if i'd ever want to look like that" lisa said paying her attention back to her nails.

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