Chapter 51

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"Arya?" draupadi called. "Shall we go now?" draupadi asked raising her head to see her husbands staring at her, totally lost. "What happened to pitashree and baba? What game are you all playing?" Prativindya asked. "Don't mind them let go." draupadi said but the kids too were now staring at her with awe making her look herself in the mirror. "Anything wrong?" draupadi asked making them shake their head as no. "Let's go then!" draupadi said but none of them moved.

"I am going! Don't tell me that I didn't call you all." draupadi said and exited. "Wa-wait!" the kids said and ran after their maiya. "Yagna! Yagna!" karn and yudhistir remembered and ran after their wife along with the rest. "Angrani please call your elder child." the pandit said and draupadi quickly called abhimanyu who quickly came. "Angraj and maharaj please call your eldest son." the pandit said and called vrishasen and prativindya. Abhimanyu sat on his mothers lap and the other two sat on their baba's lap. "Prince offer this to the fire." the pandit said and with the help of their parents they offered the offerings. "Maharani! Please take this broom and kalash and purify the corners of the raj mahal." the pandit said and draupadi quickly got to work.

The pandavas noticed the lustful gazes of other kings on their wife making them fist their hand in anger

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The pandavas noticed the lustful gazes of other kings on their wife making them fist their hand in anger. Karn especially was trying to control his anger as it was his 12 months with draupadi. Draupadi after finishing everything came back to her seat and continued the yagna. After the yagna was the crowning ceremony. The pandavas chose krishna for the samman. Nakul and Shahadev cleaned his feet, Bheem and Arjun gave the special angavastram and draupadi did the arti and fed him some bhog.  

"Samrat!" sisupal said stopping them abruptly. "May I ask the reason of why dwarkadeesh is being sammanit?" sisupal asked. "He has a major contribution in indraprasth chedi kumar." karn said. "Is that really the reason? I highly doubt so." sisupal said. "What other reasons are there chedi kumar?" yudhistir said. "Maybe because he is samragini's brother?" sisupal said. "If so then we could have sammanit dau or you as well after all you too are my brother, shrutasarava bua's son." draupadi said. "B-b-brother?" sisupal said hugely taken back. "Bhrata? Have you forgotten us, maiya and baba? Your kaka and kaki?" krishna asked. 

"But samrat you must know what kind of person dwarkadeesh is." sisupal said. "What do you mean by that?" shahadev asked. "Mayavi! Dusht! Thief! womanizer!" sisupal spat the words with full venom. "Chedi kumar! watch your mouth!" arjun said. "You don't speak in the middle arjun. The one who got the skill of archery after sacrificing a great archer Eklavya's thumb." sisupal said. Draupadi held arjun back as his hands were shaking with anger. Sisupal took the advantage of it and started spitting pure venom which the kauravas and shakuni were enjoying. "This womanizer didn't leave his own sister! Raas with rukmini, 100 gopis along with his own sister? What intentions do you have kanha?" sisupal asked. "Is dancing with your own sister wrong?" Bheem asked.

"No all I said was th- wait a minute. Its all making sense now." sisupal said. Everybody were confused on what made sense to him. "Its all in the genes! Like brother like sister, brother a womanizer who danced with 100 gopis and more and sister a whore who has six husbands and 15 kids." sisupal spat out the words making the pandavas roar in anger shaking everybody in the palace. "Ar-" draupadi said but was stopped by her husbands who signalled her not to stop them. "Bhrata krishna! Remember your oath to my mother." sisupal said to krishna who was wearing a neutral face. Draupadi pulled her husbands back not trusting them that they won't harm sisupal.

"Arya! Let it be no-" draupadi whispered but was cut off by bheem. "What nothing? Nothing to you but everything to us." bheem said. "You are our everything so now don't take side of your so called bhrata who always has his lustful gaze on you." yudhistir said defeating her and making her fall silent. "Poor children! What will happen when they know that they are somewhat najayas olad with such parents so called follower of dharma (referring karn, yudhistir ! selfish person who sacrificed somebody's thumb for getting a so-called title (referring to arjun), another womanizer (referring to nakul) and a so called sheer (referring to shahadev)." sisupal said.

Hearing badmouths about her husbands and children tears secretly made its way to draupadi which the pandavas noticed. "I-Ill- illegitimate child?" draupadi whispered. The whisper successfully made its way to the pandava's ears. "Sisupal! I am warning you! Go before I loose my control." Karn warned. "Can't handle the truth?" sisupal said. "Dear! You yourself say! Aren't I right?" sisupal asked. Everybody were confused to whom he called dear but after following his gaze made the pandava's blood boil. "What? She is my dear lovely! beloved! sister! If bhrata krishna can do a whole raas with her can't I call her dear?" sisupal asked. "Even if I wasn't her brother one more wouldn't hurt. Right?" sisupal said making the pandava's blood boil.

"Remember! You are her brother!" yudhistir said. "So are you all! My mata is your mata's sister. Your family tree is very confusing to me. Priye Draupadi is your sister as well as your sister-in-law. To some she is like a daughter and to some like a mother being your sister-in-laws along with your wife making her children some of your nephew and nieces. Who actually is priye draupadi to you? Sister? Sister-in-law? Mother? Daughter? Who?" sisupal asked. "All this points to only one thing! A characterless woman! A whore! slut! a harl-" sisupal said but before he could continued he was beheaded by krishna's sudarshan chakra making everybody gasp. The pandavas stood infront of draupadi blocking the dreadful view of a headless body and a head alone.