Zoro ❥ Cute and Cuddly

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This is a Zoro x Neko Fem! Reader
a request for ILoveJonathanOaks

The sun shone brightly into the room and onto the girl's body as she hovered over the green-haired swordsman. "Zoro! Time to wake up" The woman sang as he scrunched his face up in annoyance. His eyes slowly fluttered open, and he nearly jolted up from his resting spot once his eyes saw the cat-girl hovering over him. "Dammit (Y/N)!" He jumped up, making her fall on her back.

The swordsman wasn't used to her being a cat. Whatever happened over the past two years, he would like to keep it in the past. "Owwie! You can at least help me up, ya big oaf!" She yelled as she stoked her bruised tail. He groaned and helped her up, she glared at him as she straightened out her clothes. "Meet me on the main deck, we've stopped at an island to do some shopping. And I've been ordered to watch you so you won't get lost" She teased.

"I'm not a damn kid!" He yelled out and she began laughing, because he indeed got lost like a little kid. Once she had finally left, Zoro had put his equipment away and put on the spare clothes he kept in the observation room. He then finally made his way onto the deck where he saw the neko-woman chasing a butterfly. "And I'm the child?" He sassed and grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the flying insect.

"Zoroooo!" She dragged out as she watched the butterfly fly away from them both. One of the perks of being a neko is that she is very energetic, which is good as a pirate. "Aren't you supposed to be 'babysitting' me? It seems like I'm doing the babysitting" He sassed as the two walked into the town's shopping district. "I know you want to go to a blacksmith so we'll see if the town has one after we stop here" The green-haired looked up at the shop's sign and immediately became flustered.

"(Y/N)! You could've did this with Robin. Better yet that pervy cook!" He pulled her aside, before the two could enter the shop. "This is exactly why I can't do this with Sanji! Because you know exactly how he gets. And I can't do it with anybody else because I'm stuck with You!" Although he hated to admit it, she was right. Buying Lingerie with Sanji would've turn real perverse real fast. The only reason she was buying this type of stuff is because of her tail. Her tail would be smushed by her underwear, which was uncomfortable.

He didn't protest when she grabbed his hand and led him into the shop. As she browsed around, she had trouble finding what she wanted, so she flagged down and employee. "How can I help you madam. Oh and by the way, I love you're cat costume!" The worker complimented. Why does everyone think it's a costume? Hello?! We're on the grand line with a bunch of devil fruit users. Not bothering to correct them, she asked to find a couple of sets with plenty of holes in the back. When she found what she needed, she grabbed a couple before she got rung up.

"Okay Zoro, we can't go to the blacksmith. Zoro?" She turned around to not see him there. The idiot wandered off yet again. She quickly made her way outside and began to use a cat's strongest sense, her sense of smell, to find the swordsman. When she got a whiff of his smell, she followed it; which lead to his location. He was in the middle of the town, looking around like he was lost. Correction, he was lost. "I turn my back for one second to see that you're gone. I'm gonna have to handcuff you to me" She pulled his cheek and glared at him.

"Ooh mommy look! That lady is dress up like a cat! Hey lady! Can i pet you?!" A small girl exclaimed as she ran up to the two pirates. (Y/N) smiled and nodded, before bending down allowing the child to rub the top of her head. She hummed at the calming sensation, almost like she was purring. "Ahhh! So cute" The girl squealed with excitement warning a blush from (Y/N). "See ya, Cat lady!" The girl said as they began going seperate ways. "Come on, Zoro, we're going to go check out some new swords" She pulled the swordsman by his shirt.

The sun had began to set as the Strawhat pirates began to party. Sanji continued to bring out plenty of meat for his captain, as well as plenty of booze. Brook was currently playing a round of tunes, which hyped up their party even more. Nobody parties better than the strawhats! "Zoro!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she jumped onto the man, almost spilling his sake. It was evident that she was drunk and so was he. "Let's cuddle!" She beamed as she hugged him tightly.

"Zoro you bastard! What are you doing with (Y/N)-san" Sanji yelled, getting all fired up. "Quit your blabbering cook!" He rose up from his spot, accidentally pushing (Y/N) off, and got in his face. (Y/N) groaned in pain as she rubbed her tail, "Zoro! You big meanie! That hurt!" She cursed as she looked at him with sad eyes. He looked down at her, with a faint blush on his cheeks. Before he could apologize, she jumped up and knocked him over, laughing as he groaned in pain.

She was indeed so cute.....yet so cuddly.

Author's note: Ahh I would like to apologize for this not being the best. This was my first time writing a neko x reader. I will take this and grow from it, so I can write better one's in the future. I hope you liked it just a little bit, next time I'll do better. Also I'm working on the other two, sorry for the lateness ILoveJonathanOaks

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