Corazon ❥ Change in Heart

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Corazon x Fem! Reader ~ fluff (tr)
contains lots of spoilers

"You want to help my little brother? Why? What's your real motive?" The woman asked, holding a knife at the blonde's throat. The man looked at the sleeping kid over her shoulder and then looked around him, before using his devil fruit on them. The male took out a cigarette from his fur coat and lit it up, while the woman looked at him crazily. Did he want to die? "Corazon. Don't fuck with me right now! I know you're just like your brother"

With one swift move, the knife that was once at his neck was now on the grass. His eyes had darkened and he removed the cigarette from his mouth, "Make no mistake (Y/N). I am nothing like my brother" This was the first time she heard his voice. This was the first time she felt his emotions. She sighed and turned to look at her brother, "So tell me, why do you want to help him?"

After a long explanation, the two sat in silence with their eyes locked onto Law. "You know, he's all I got left. During the worst nights of our lives, we lost our parents and our baby sister. So, if anything happens to him, so help me god, I will kill you" Tears brimmed her eyes as she stared at Corazon. His eyes softened and he said nothing, pulling her into his chest letting her relieve herself. "You can trust me."

Slowly but surely she began to. The two of them deceived Doflamingo, they'll be gone for six months. They haven't told anyone besides Law, that they'll be finding a cure for Law's disease. But, as their journey began; it slowly felt like it was ending. Each doctor turned the sick child away, not wanting to catch the "white" disease. Those same doctors would end up with bloody noses thanks to Corazon and (Y/N).

The woman watched as the man slowly drunk his pain away, he wanted Law to get better, but nobody would help him. "Corazon...." She started as the male downed the liquor, before pulling his lips away from the base. "I'm an idiot. Thinking I can save this boy, I'm honestly wasting his time. I should just give up" Her eyes softened and her heart ached once she heard his voice crack. "I'm sorry (Y/N)...Law...." He turned his head hoping to check on the sleeping Law, but instead was met with a kiss. His hand reached up and palmed her face as their lips interlocked with each other.

Pulling away, she smiled with her eyes tearing up, "When I first learned about how you wanted to help my little brother, honestly I was shocked. I never thought an ex-celestial dragon would help someone with no royal bloodline like us" She began, gently grabbing Cora's hand before continuing. "But, gave me hope. You gave me something to believe in, so don't give up now. You're his hero, you're my hero!"

His burgundy eyes widened, as his mind wandered taking in all the things she was saying. "So, don't give up on him. Cora" The bottle that was once in his left hand dropped to ground as tall man pulled her into a kiss. Their tongues danced with one another until slumber took over their bodies, they slept in each other's arms. "(Y/N)! Wake up! Cora-san found me a cure!"

She stirred in her sleep, until she heard those words. A cure? When did he..."He did WHAT?!" She stared at her younger brother and the tall man wearing a goofy look on his face. His fur coat that was once draped onto her body fell down as she stood up and walked over to the man, grabbing him by his pink shirt. "You better not be lying to me. You actually found a cure?" He nodded slowly, and her gripped loosened. She jumped for joy and hugged Corazon before hugging her little brother.

Everything was going good, until she learned about how they would be getting the cure. "No way! It's too risky!" They would be taking a devil fruit, which she had no problem with, however it's the same devil fruit Doflamingo set his eyes on. Meaning it would be hard to avoid the ruthless king of Dressrosa. Her brother frowned and clung onto her leg, "Please (Y/N)! It's my only hope at getting better." She sighed, it was their only hope. "Fine! But I'm coming up with our plan!"

The snow fell down gently besides the two siblings as they desperately tried to warm up, waiting for their clumsy friend to return with the heart shaped devil fruit. "I' W-where's....Cora" Law slowly breathed out, fighting his sickness that worsened do to the cold. The woman looked down at her brother, fearing the worst. He could die any moment if he doesn't get that fruit. "I know, Traffy. I'm going to go find him. I promise" She told her brother, who nodded slowly; drifting to sleep. She wanted to cry, what if this was a mistake? Was she going to lose another family member?

She trotted up the mountain, spotting Corazon surrounded by Doflamingo and his goons. She cursed to herself, can luck be on her side just this once? She readjusted her coat and dipped her hands into her pockets, clutching onto the handle of a gun.

"Move away from him! Now!" The men all turned to look at her, their faces frowned with disgust. Another traitor amongst them. "Women, always turning a man. No matter, I'll the both of you right now" But, before Doflamingo and his goons could pull the trigger, she whipped out her own gone and pulled the trigger four times; letting out sea prism nets. Once they were all caught in them, she ran over to the bloodied Corazon and helped him up on his feet.

She propped him up and he placed the devil fruit into his coat pocket. "(Y/N)! Corazon! You get back here!" They could hear the anger in Doffy's voice, but it was soon drowned out by the marines coming up the other side of the mountain.

several months later.

"Law! Put that book down and come and get in this picture!" His sister demanded from the other room. He quickly scrubbed down his notes before running into the other room. A photographer was taking their pictures for what they thought was their family portrait. (Y/N) and Corazon stood next to each other, hugging each other, and Law stood on a stool in front of them.

The camera man snapped their photo, and when he left their eyes all widened at the picture. The trio now had bounties on their heads under the name of the 'Heart Pirates'. Somehow after they retrieved the fruit, they all got pinned for what happened on the snowy island. While Law pouted, his sister and Corazon talked amongst themselves.

"I guess we're pirates now"

"Yeah. The Heart Pirates"

decided to squeeze this all into one big part. I hope you liked it, it was my first time doing a tooth rotting fluff. ILoveJonathanOaks

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