Nami ❥ Feelings

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the part two for done.
a couple of weeks after the break-up
the sunny, fluff & some angst!

It's been a couple of weeks since you and the red-head broke up. And honestly it was the worst couple of weeks for the both of you and the crew. The two of you avoided each other so much, it started to bother your crewmates.

You both would walk out of the room once the other one comes in, even if you were talking to your friends, you would leave the instant their presence was known. It made the rest of the strawhats uncomfortable.

"Can't we do somethings about it? The way they are, is putting a strain on all of our relationships with one another" Usopp spoke, earning agreements from his friends. "(Y/N) wouldn't even let me finish treating her wounds as soon as she saw Nami walk in" Chopper added.

The strawhats began to talk about their problems with the late couple, before Luffy decided to step in. "Those two know better than to let this come in the way of our adventure. As their captain, it is my duty to end this. For all of us" His wise words sparked something in each of his shipmates. They sparked up and plan and decided on their next move.

The sea's waves crashed against the sunny, as it approached the island. The island seemed empty, so this would be a perfect setting for their plan to be set in motion. As the crew got ready to leave their ship, (Y/N) and Nami got into a quarreling match.

"I know you stole it, Nami! Give it back" You accused the red-head of stealing the necklace she gave you.

"I didn't steal it! Maybe you dropped it somewhere. That small brain of yours, isn't doing you justice!" She insulted you and your eyes narrowed. "I don't trust the lies coming out of your mouth, thief. Once a thief, always a thief. Ain't that right, Cat Burgalar" This added more fuel to the fire. As the two of you walked down from the sunny, your captain cut the argument short.

"If the two of you can't get along and squash this, then the two of you don't need to be apart of this ship anymore"

Those words stung, surely he was joking. But by the look in his eyes and the disappointment drawn onto your friends faces, you could tell this was real. "Luffy! You don't mean that!"

"She's right Luffy! We're sorry!" Nami agreed and your "captain" told you both to shut up. "I'm sorry, but I can't be king of the pirates with the two of you acting like this" And with that the ship began to sail further into the distance, until it was one with horizon line.

"This is all your fault!"

"My fault? Nami, if you hadn't stolen my necklace then this argument would've never happened" You spat back, getting in her face. Her brown eyes stared right back at you, before she closed them and moved away from you. "Whatever, (Y/N). There's nothing we can do besides stay here" She spoke and you sighed.

"We also need to come up with a plan to find our way back to the crew. I'm not going down without a fight and I know you aren't too"

The two of you ventured across the mysterious island. There were a couple of huge aggressive animals preying on them, but it was nothing you couldn't handle. You cut them down with ease, with some backup from Nami. Despite not speaking to each other, they worked perfectly together. Oddly enough this island had an abandoned shack for them to reside in for the night.

The silence took over the both of you as the two of you ate the food you caught. Although it wasn't quite like Sanji's cooking, the two devoured it like it was.

"Do you honestly think I stole the necklace, (Y/N)" Nami asked and you looked down.

"No" You admitted and she chuckled. "Then why did you push the blame onto me?" Everything that you wanted to say to her came to mind, you needed to get it out.

"Nami you hurt me, more than you think. I felt betrayed, embarrassed, and so much more. You were more than a friend to me. I felt like we were soulmates" You had stopped eating by now, as you expressed your feelings to the woman you once loved. She said nothing as her brown eyes scanned your body, she understood how you felt.

"I feel so guilty the way I treated you during our break-up. I even feel the same way now, knowing that I truly do love you, (Y/N)" Her words rang in your ears, she had said something that made your heart skip a beat. The feelings that she tried to hard to bury, came alive.

"You what?"

"I love you (Y/N)!" She tackled you and pulled you into a kiss, that took you by surprise. However, you matched her flow. You couldn't lie to yourself, you loved her as well. You never stopped, which is why the breakup hurt you the most.

When the two of you finished kissing, you both began to realize the situation you were in.

"We need to get back to our crew"

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