Chasing You

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Heyyyyy kidssss, I am writing a new story!!!!!!

SO! This is going to be an extension of my Viktor Krum smut from my HP smut book. As always, you can expect:

-Y/N as a place to insert your name and she/her pronouns

-mature content, including violence, language, and sexual scenes (wink wonk)

-a Hufflepuff Y/N!!!!!! (she's a bit awkward tbh)

- and although I love you guys, it's not enough for me to write in Viktor's accent. As a beloved reader of mine once said, it is easy enough to add in when you perform your dramatic reading of the book

ALSO this main character is going to have a lot of me in her. A lot of her idiosyncrasies and her experiences are coming straight from my life, so prepare for a character who might be completely unrelateable to everyone but me.

You can expect the first chapter on December 23rd and updates on Fridays!!

Happy reading,

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