Chapter 22: I Visit Another Old Friend

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Chapter 22: I Visit Another Old Friend

I'm sitting on Teodor's couch as he chats on the phone in Bulgarian, gesturing animatedly with his hands. Every so often, he looks at me over his shoulder and rolls his eyes, mouthing English words to me that generally amount to describing just how difficult Viktor Krum finds it to keep his mouth shut.

"Listen, listen," Teodor says in heavily accented English before he's back to Bulgarian. I catch my name in the next blur of syllables, and Teodor starts talking louder and faster, eyebrows inching further and further up his forehead.

"I am being serious!" Teodor says. "She is here, right, Y/N?"

I blink at him as he begins again in Bulgarian, words flying off his tongue so fast I can't tell where each word stops and the next begins, and then he says, "Sit your ass down! She will come if she wants to. No, do not come here. I am serious, Krum." The next few minutes he speaks Bulgarian, and if the tone of his voice and his facial expressions are any indication, he's making threats.

"She does not want to talk to you over the phone," Teodor scoffs, "right, my friend?"

"I—" I begin, but he's already talking again.

"Yes, okay. I will let her know... Yes. And are we still going to that game—Okay, okay!"

Teodor makes a face and hangs up the phone, leaning against the wall and rubbing his palms into his eyelids.

"You two are very complicated people," he says and shakes his head.

"What did he say?"

"What did he not?" Teodor responds in exasperation, throwing his hands in the air. "Why is she there, is she okay, are you out of your mind, why do you even call, may I speak with her, you are an ass—"


"Oh, yes, I forgot that you do not care about Teodor, only Viktor," he says and crosses his arms.

"That's not what I meant, Teodor. I'm just in a rush. If I can't see Viktor, then I'll have to—"

"Oh, well surely you understand that was never an issue, no? Of course you could see him. He will do anything for you, of course."


"Play nice with him, now," Teodor says and holds a hand out to me, pulling me from the couch and leading me to his fireplace. "I do not want to have to hate you if you break my dear friend's heart."

I smile and give Teodor a hug. "You're a good friend," I tell him. "Thank you."

"Yes, yes, I know," he says and pushes me along. "Get going, and you had best get that position, my friend."

Teodor grabs a handful of floo powder and throws it into the fireplace, then pushes my elbows to my sides and tells me the address. I repeat it carefully as I step into the fireplace, squeezing my eyes shut as I shoot through the floo network, focusing on not throwing up more than anything. The combination of nerves and traveling through fireplaces makes it easier said than done.

I stumble out of a fireplace clumsily, tripping forward and landing on my hands and knees. The Bulgarian floo network is just as ashy as every other one, and I'm coughing on ash and dust. I jump when hands close around my bicep.

"It's only me," Viktor says, but he pulls back regardless, watching me warily. He's not sure whether my coming here means that things are back to normal. He doesn't know if he should help me up or not touch me.

"Sorry, I'm not graceful," I say and manage to stop coughing and clamber to my feet. When I meet his eyes, I don't know what to say, so I opt for the socially-intelligent option: "You should clean out your fireplace."

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