Chapter 29: Here, Now

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Chapter 29: Here, Now

"No," Viktor whines into my belly as I shift to leave, pulling my hands away from his hair. "No, don't leave me."

"I have to," I whisper, trying to wriggle out from under him as best I can, but he makes it no easy feat as he latches onto me with those strong arms and looks at me with wide, pleading eyes.

"My dad—he's going to worry if I don't come home. And he'll know I was with you, and he'll start getting suspicious, and then he'll show up armed to the teeth."

"Please, stay," Viktor murmurs.

"I can't," I say and start squirming away from his touch again. Viktor sighs and drops his forehead against my sternum before he rolls off of me, still watching me with that pitiful look on his face. "I'm sorry," I tell him as I fumble around to find my clothes, clutching one of Viktor's thick sherpa blankets to my body. "I don't want my dad to know about this yet."

Viktor sighs again and it takes a lot of self-control to stay out of his warm bed, especially when his hair is tousled the way it is and his doe eyes are coming out of hiding. It's already getting late, and moonlight streams through the windows to illuminate his pale ivory skin, enticing me further. I can imagine spending the night in this house with him, waking up beside his warm body, maybe even experimenting a bit more with our bodies, seeing what else he can coax out of me.

Even now, my knees still feel a little weak.

"Send him a patronus. Call him. I have a phone. Tell him you're staying the night," Viktor says, stretching one arm off the bed to catch on the blanket hugging my thighs.

"I can't," I say and scuttle backward so the blanket doesn't fall, eyeing his outstretched arm and the veins that run beneath his pale skin. I want to kiss each vein, following them back to his powerful shoulders.

Which is why I have to go now. If I don't, I'll never leave.

"If I tell my dad I'm staying the night, he'll know," I say and try to shimmy my underwear up my legs while keeping the blanket up. "And then you'll have to deal with him. You don't want that."

"I already told you—the good and the bad," Viktor responds, his fingertips brushing the blanket again.

"In order to keep your promise, you have to be alive. Which won't happen if my dad decides to kill you."

"I think he liked me when we met," Viktor says.

"He likes you a lot, yeah. But he won't if he knows that we're together because he's a territorial, protective man," I say and zip my jeans as I begin to search for my bra. "Can I use your fireplace?"

"Of course," Viktor says.

"Thank you," I say and lean to press a kiss on his lips as I pass by him. He follows me, shifting to be on the other side of the bed, his fingers pressed into the small of my back as I stoop to pick up my bra. His fingers travel up my spine through the blanket, caressing soft enough to raise goosebumps on my skin.

"You do not have to hide from me," he murmurs as I struggle with my bra.

"I know. It's just—it's still new," I say and cast a glance over my shoulder. He's showing more skin than I am even though his bottom half is covered with a blanket. Maybe if I looked as good as he did, I wouldn't be so hesitant, but he's so perfect, it makes me a little nervous to drop the blanket.

And, of course, he's considerate and respectful, so he hasn't tried to catch any glimpses or to take the blanket away from me despite his lingering fingers that are nearing my tailbone. Once my bra is on, I'm less shy, so I shuck the blanket aside and let it drop onto his lap as I grab my shirt off the floor, shaking the wrinkles from the fabric. I can feel Viktor's eyes on me, but he stays silent, his hand now tracing the back of my knee softly.

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