Chapter 25: I Break the Bad News

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Chapter 25: I Break the Bad News

"Fuck, killer, I thought you were about to die."

I wrinkle my nose at Cedric as he plucks a bristle from the back of my broom and tosses it on the ground as we walk away from the pitch.

"One second you were handing everyone their asses, and then the next, you were falling," he says as if I wasn't present for the entire experience. "I was planning a speech for your funeral and everything."

"What an amazing friend."

"You did great," he says earnestly, ignoring me.

I sigh and meet his eyes when I say, "The coach didn't want me."

"What the fuck?"

"I hogged the ball and I have a bad attitude," I say and raise my eyebrows as we begin the walk to the nearest floo station.

"Yeah, well, we already knew that. Catch up, coach—am I right?"

I glare at him.

"I'm joking. I mean, he knows you were only like that because of the other guys, right? Did you defend yourself?"

"No, I didn't. The keeper did."

"Rae Akhtar?" Cedric asks, eyes going wide.

"I don't know. I mean, I think so. We didn't exactly get acquainted. You know, seeing as how I almost just died."

"Well, yeah. But you didn't. And it doesn't matter. If Rae Akhtar defended you, you're in, killer. She's the best keeper the Bats have ever had and she has a ton of influence. I mean, why else was she there? To block your bum-ass shots? I don't think so."

"First of all, what the hell is a 'bum-ass shot?' Second, I'm not getting my hopes up. When she defended me, the coach said that she couldn't make that call. Listen, Ced," I say and lower my voice as we reach the floo station and stop beside a fireplace, "I don't want you to get my dad's hopes up. If you tell him I'm in, he's going to think I am. Already, he thinks too highly of me. We just have to wait for word to come."

"Okay, I won't say anything," he promises. "But what about Viktor? Are you going to talk to him about it?"

"Why would I?"

"Well, I don't know. I figured your life probably flashed before your eyes as you were falling and you realized you didn't want to die a virgin," Cedric says with a slow shrug as he grabs some floo powder and clutches it into his palm.

"Fuck you, Diggory."

"I was kidding. I know you're destined for celibacy."


"I was also kidding about that. All I meant was he's probably the only person you know that will understand the way you're feeling right now."

"God, you sound like Nat."

"I'm not talking about the maze, killer. I'm just talking about the tryout. I'm sure he'd appreciate knowing how it went."

"I'm not going to see Viktor, asshole."


"Viktor, hey!"

Now, slow your roll. I know what everyone is thinking right now.

Oh, Y/N is so weak-minded and desperately needs to feel the touch of a man! She just couldn't help herself and sauntered right back to her little boy toy as soon as she got back from the tryout.


No, I did not. Because why would I?

What happened was this: Cedric went through the fireplace. I followed. As I was spat out of the fireplace in Nat's living room, I heard Cedric greeting Viktor.

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