Chapter 19: I Am the Recipient of an Enthusiastic Pep Talk

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Chapter 19: I Am the Recipient of an Enthusiastic Pep Talk

I'm chewing on my thumbnail as I gaze out my window, my eyes tracking a small blue and grey bird. It's hopping along the branch of a tree, moving in quick, jerky motions. I watch as it flaps its wings a few times before tucking them back against its side, content to sit in the tree. Why does it remain on its feet when it has the ability to fly? I'll never understand it.

I'm still staring blankly at the bird when movement catches my eye. I'm off my bed before I fully process what I'm seeing, and I barely register my dad's confused exclamation when I fly by him and fling open the door to the apartment, my face perfectly level with a fist raised to knock on the door.

Wide eyes meet wide eyes, and my smile nearly splits my face in two as I tackle Cedric in a hug, feeling him stumble a few steps back.

"Alright, now, killer," he says, arms wrapping tight around me. "I knew you missed me but this is a bit excessive."

"Ced, what are you doing here?" I ask into his chest, refusing to ease up even as my dad comes to inspect the damage.

"Came to see you, of course," he says, nodding his head toward my dad as a way of greeting.

"How are you, Cedric?" Dad asks, clapping his hand on Ced's shoulder. I'm still clinging to my best friend like I'm afraid he's going to evaporate.

"I'm great, although I'm dangerously close to passing out from oxygen asphyxiation," Cedric says and pushes me away from him. "Sorry I didn't write before I came. I didn't know if it was okay to send an owl here."

"You wouldn't be the first to do it," Dad says. "You're always welcome here. You know that. How about we release the poor boy and let him in," he suggests to me, ruffling my hair.

"I'm sorry," I say and pull away. "I just feel like I haven't seen you in ages."

"I know," Cedric says. "I was wondering why my life was so peaceful when I realized!"

I shove him, but he only stumbles a couple of steps to the side before he's steadied himself, a grin on his face.

"You know I'm only teasing, killer. You know I missed you."

I smile at Cedric and pull him behind me to my bedroom, kicking the door shut behind us.

"I need all of the details," I say immediately and watch as he collapses on my bed. "You and Cho still going strong?"

"Yeah," he says, readjusting on my pillow with a grimace on his face. "Her dad doesn't let me hang out like your dad does. We have to be out in the open all the time, you know? So we don't really get to—"


"No, I'm not being gross. We can't even talk privately. He's always lurking, you know? It's weird. He's like a specter. What's up with your pillow? Why's it crinkling at me?"

"No, nothing," I say too quickly, and Cedric sits up and plunges his hand beneath my pillow.

"I just got here and I'm already unearthing secret diary entries?" he asks with an astonished look on his face.

"Ced, no," I say and try to grab the letter from him, but he holds it out of my reach. He looks at the envelope and the smile dies on his face when he sees the return address.

"Sorry, killer," he says and hands it to me. "I wasn't trying to be a jerk. I know it's probably private."

"No, it's fine," I say and take the letter. "I should find a better hiding spot for my contraband."

"How's everything with Viktor?" Ced asks slowly, like he's afraid of the answer.

I lay down beside Cedric before I respond so I don't have to see his reaction. "I broke up with him."

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