Chapter 21: I Visit an Old Friend

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Chapter 21: I Visit an Old Friend

How did I get here? In front of a tall wooden door in a foreign country, not even entirely sure I have the right address, shaking from head to toe, mouth dry, shins buzzing with adrenaline.

Well, we have to go back in time, all the way to yesterday.

Come, now, child, walk with me upon this metaphysical timeline. Jesus Christ, this narration style is getting out of hand. Anyway—

Cedric and I have just returned to the apartment. Dad is still blubbering apologies about how irresistible my stepmother is (ew), and Nat is blushing, a hand pressed against the back of her neck.

"Don't worry about it, father," I say. "I can't blame you for having the self-control of a teenage boy, now can I?"

"All right," he says, "I said I was sorry. What else can I do?"

"I'm teasing, my dear father. Cedric, come to my office."

Cedric mutters something to my dad and nods his head at Nat, his cheeks rivaling hers in color. I roll my eyes at them. They're blushing so hard you'd think they were really caught in the act.

Once we're inside, Cedric says, "Well, I suppose it's time to call up a certain Bulgarian babe."

"First of all, ew," I say and close the door. "And second of all, no."

"Come on, you know you have to if you want to get the position."

"I can't ask him to do this for me," I tell Cedric. "You know I can't."

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind," Ced replies.

"I know that," I say and swat at his arm. "That's why I can't ask."

Cedric hits me in the back of the head. "You need practice before the tryout. Like it or not, he's your best bet. Using a real pitch and flying with him—I think it would make all the difference, killer."


"I know it's not going to be easy," Ced says softly. "But it's your best chance. You know he would want this for you."

I glare at him, and Cedric figures his best bet is to subdue me before I can attack. We've known each other long enough that he can tell when I'm about to resort to physical violence. He grabs my shoulders and forces me to turn around so my back is to his chest, and then he wraps his arm around my neck to put me in a chokehold.

"You're a little bitch-boy," I mutter and try to wrestle out of his grip, which is more of a hug than anything else.

"I just want the best for you, killer. If you're not ready, you don't have to do this."

"I know. But you're right. I need a pitch and I really don't want to go back to Hogwarts after everything that happened."

"And Viktor?" he asks. "Are you ready to see him again?"

I sigh and stop struggling, slumping into Ced's arms. "I know he didn't do anything. And truthfully, I don't think I ever really blamed him. I just..."

"What, killer?"

"He deserves better. He always has. I don't want to... Ced, I don't want to talk about this."

"We don't have to," he says and releases me, ruffling my hair.

"But... I have to reach out to him, I think."

And now, I'm here.

Staring at a door and hoping maybe he isn't home.

I raise my hand to knock on the door, and then I stand awkwardly. I don't know what to do with my hands and I'm shaking so much it's embarrassing. For a moment, I regret not taking up Cedric's offer of company.

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