Chapter 18: I Practice My Newest Resume-Booster

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Chapter 18: I Practice My Newest Resume-Booster

"My God, you've gotten even better, kid," my dad says as we land, slightly out of breath. I'm grinning from ear to ear with the quaffle sandwiched between my hands. "You've got the try-out in the bag."

"Do you really think so? I mean, if I decide to try out, that is. Not that I've officially changed my mind."

"Yeah, I really do. I used to have to go easy on you, you know?"

"You still give me a run for my money."

"No, I don't," he says and shakes his head as we load the brooms into the trunk of Nat's car.


"Really, I don't. You're incredible, kid. Far better than I ever was in my prime. Far better than most players in the league," he says. "I thought for sure you would be scouted this year. The tournament... It screwed everything up, didn't it?"

I swallow thickly. I had been distracted for the past hour. "Yeah."

"That Krum kid... he's awfully kind to do something like this for you. I... were you two... close?"


"I'm just wondering if maybe you two hit it off. I mean, why else would he do something like this for you? I'm not teasing, honey, I promise."

"I mean, I don't know. We played quidditch sometimes."

"No way."

"Dad," I groan as we climb into the car. "You're such a fanboy."

"No way you played him."

"I did. You know," I say, secretly enjoying the look on my dad's face. His hand is suspended in midair, like I've shocked him so hard he doesn't remember he was about to shove the key into the ignition. "Viktor's right arm is pretty weak when it comes to throwing. He's a lefty and he doesn't train his right arm enough."

"No," my dad mutters, starstruck from just the mention.

"We almost tied when we played the first time," I say. "Um... He... Well, I guess I should tell you that he reserves a spot for us at every one of his games. Free of charge, you know? So, if you ever want to go... I would hate to deprive you."

My dad's face is stuck somewhere between shock and reverence. "Do I want to know how close you two were?" he asks me.

"Probably not."

"How am I supposed to balance the overprotective dad and the crazed fan when I meet the guy?"

"Dad, it's not like that," I say. "Not anymore. We just... after everything that happened with the tournament... it didn't work out, you know?"

"I'm sorry, my girl."

"No, it's fine. It was my choice. Is it weird to talk to your dad about this kind of thing?"

"No, not with you and me. It's always been you and me against the world. It always will be."

I smile and lean my head back on the headrest. "I think... I want to talk about what happened, but it's still too fresh. I need more time, Dad. But I'm going to try to do better."


I can already tell where he's leading, so I do my best to smother my smile when I say, "I'll go to the tryout."


Dad and I are giggling about some stupid dad joke when we reenter the apartment, and Nat looks up from where she's just finished some scones.

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