Chapter 26: I Do Not Want to Talk About What Just Happened

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Chapter 26: I Do Not Want to Talk About What Just Happened

Viktor's lips taste like mint and honey.

That alone is enough to haze my stupid brain, making me forget every single reason why I shouldn't be kissing this boy. And then, of course, there's also the way he smells (like thick cologne, smoky floo powder, and warm skin) and the way his hand finds its place on my lower back, fingers barely inching up the back of my shirt to swipe against my bare skin.

There's the warmth radiating off of him and the firmness of his body, soft enough for a little give beneath my fingertips but harder underneath, especially when I run a hand down the middle of his stomach and he instinctively flexes, revealing a series of ridges for my fingers to bump clumsily over. I have to pull away to release a stuttering breath against his swollen lips, and he watches me with dazed eyes and parted lips, patches of pink blooming on his pale cheeks, dusting all the way from his cheekbones down beside his pretty lips.

Viktor is completely still and I can tell he's deep in thought, his eyebrows drawn as he tries to process what I've just done.

He says, "I don't..."

"I'm sorry," I whisper close to his lips, my eyes still drawn to them even though I know this is incredibly stupid. "I don't know why I did that."

"You..." he begins, and trails off again, his eyes drifting down to my lips.

"I know—I mean, I probably shouldn't kiss you, right?" I ask, trying to pull away, but his hand on my back holds firm, keeping me close, his thumb caressing my skin. "I... If I did kiss you, and it was just this once..."

Viktor's free hand closes around the back of my neck and he tugs me down, his lips finding mine again. My belly lights on fire and I push all of my rational thoughts away, letting him ease me onto my back and settle between my thighs, his lips still on mine.

He's kissing hungrily, like a man starved, and I can hear as he bites back quiet groans. His hair, soft and dark, hangs down and brushes over my forehead, and his nose is pressed into my cheek as he fights to get even closer to me. His tongue tests every inch of my mouth as more of his weight gradually presses into my body, and all I can do to keep from melting off my bed is tangle a hand in his hair, sighing as I feel the silky strands slip between my fingers like water.

I'm struggling to keep up with him and breathe at the same time, so I twist my face away, and he asks, "Am I hurting you?" He props more of his weight on his elbows, but I shake my head and pull him back down.

"I like it," I tell him, twirling a strand of his hair around my finger. I angle my chin upward to entice him to kiss me again, but he kisses my chin instead of my lips, brushing his lips down until they're over my pulse point, and then he kisses again. My mouth falls open and I trace a line from the waistband of his jeans up to his back, squeezing his shoulder as I let my head fall back into my pillows. His touch is exquisite—a tickle and a burst of pleasure all at once, and I press my heel into the back of his knee to ground myself.

Viktor draws one hand along the outside of my thigh, fingers brushing featherlight, and goosebumps rise on my skin. I shudder. He brings his lips back to mine, his nose tracing a line from my jaw to my cheek, and then he places a kiss so light, it's nearly nonexistent. Then, he pulls away. I try to follow his lips, but he shakes his head, smiling softly.

"This does not feel like a good idea," he says quietly, untangling himself from me and sitting on the edge of my bed.

I'm blushing and panting quietly, watching him in disbelief. Aren't men supposed to be the insatiable ones?

He looks at me as he says, "While I would love to continue, I do not think it is smart. Not here, and not when you do not want to be with me."


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