Characters Intro

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Eltanin (Ella) Ginny Granger/Malfoy 

Age: 19, School: Graduate from Beauxbatons, Healer at St

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Age: 19, School: Graduate from Beauxbatons, Healer at St. Mungo's Hospital for Trauma Patients. Birthday: May 22, 2000 

Rabastan (Barry) Neville Granger/Malfoy 

Age:19, School: Graduate from Durmastrang

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Age:19, School: Graduate from Durmastrang. Professional Quidditch player for Bulgarian Team (Best seeker since Viktor Krum!) Birthday: May 22, 2000

Celeste (Stella) Hermione Granger/Malfoy(Left) and Electra (Ray) Molly Granger/Malfoy (Right)

Age: 16, School: Hogwarts Ravenclaw, Electra(brunette) wants to be a children's healer Celeste(blonde) wants to be a wizarding Lawyer

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Age: 16, School: Hogwarts Ravenclaw, Electra(brunette) wants to be a children's healer Celeste(blonde) wants to be a wizarding Lawyer. Birthdays: April 21st, 2003

Scorpius(Scorp) Harry Granger/Malfoy

Age 15, School: Hogwarts Slytherin, wants to be a Auror

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Age 15, School: Hogwarts Slytherin, wants to be a Auror. Friends with Albus Potter. (Sorry for those who ship Scorbus, but I am completely a Scorose shipper 100%!!!!) Birthday: October 31st, 2004

Felis (Lucky) Arthur Granger/Malfoy

Age: 5, School: Muggle Pre-School  Wants to be a Gryffindor like his mom

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Age: 5, School: Muggle Pre-School  Wants to be a Gryffindor like his mom. Loves quidditch and has a stuffed animal hippogriff named Padfoot that he carries everywhere much to his father's dismay. Member of the Troublemaking Squad. (I will explain it later). Birthday: March 17th, 2014. 

Two Unborn Twins: Castor (Cas) Fred Granger/Malfoy 

Pollux (Lex) Theo Granger/Malfoy due June 4th, 2019, Day before their father's birthday. 

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