The Malfoy's Part 8

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There was a eerie silence. When Narcissa said those words. 

I adopted them. The only question that ran through Scorpius asked the question breaking the silence. "May I ask why?" 

Anthony regarded the young boy. "It started two days ago." 

The September weather was cooling a breeze as Anthony zipped through the skies practicing to be the Slytherin Keeper. He came to the house after the long day outside he made it upstairs and found his diary ajar and on the desk he always remembers to hide it when his father shut the door and locked it. His father always beat on him, but today was the worst because of the diary. In a last minute decision he used his fathers wand and stole it and killed the man he once called a father. When his mother came to the house he killed her too. He snapped the wand and said, "See you in hell, father," as he saw the light leave his eyes. He turned himself in with his sisters in tow. The aurors arrested him and the court hearing was in two days. When the Malfoys were on the floor of the Auror department. They noticed the kids that looked like they went threw the third wizarding war and were crying their eyes out. Narcissa asked first, "Are you okay dears?" 

Then the commotion started and they noticed the young adolescent being dragged out into the hallway with handcuffs. He looked back at his sisters sitting in the hallway. "His name is Anthony Jacobs." Lara said. "He is our big brother. He is going to Azkaban for our parents murder when he is only 16. He killed them because he had a secret relationship with the oldest son of Harry Potter. Our father was going to kill him, but he killed him first and our mother who abused us on a daily basis. Please help us." Lara said, "He can't go to Azkaban." Narcissa and Lucius shared a look and he followed his orders. He grabbed the two kids and went to the registers office and put the kids under their next of kin and called a few favors in and legally adopted the 4 children. Narcissa Malfoy stood in the courtroom where she was tried and requited. Flashbacks of the night of their trial flooded her memory. By the end of it the court Anthony plead not guilty and they were heading out of the court room without any sentencing. To say he was surprised to see the woman who never met him defend him and say she legally adopted him was perhaps the best part of his day. He inquired about his sisters and they were welcomed to the Malfoy Family.  

The rest of the family was in question about the new Malfoy family. 

"I must have done something wrong to get my oldest brother to start dating Harry Potter's oldest son." Draco said. Hermione slapped him on the back of the head. 

"What my normally polite and well mannered husband meant was welcome to the family. I am his wife, Hermione Malfoy or you may have known me as Hermione Granger and these are your nieces and nephews. Come on now everyone introduce yourselves." 

"I am Rabastan, but you can call me Barry." 

"I am his twin Eltanin, but you can call me Ella." 

"I am Celeste, but you can call me Stella."

"I am Electra, her twin, but you can call me Ray." 

" I am Scorpius, but you can call me Scorp." 

"I am Felix, but you can call me Lucky." 

"I am Draco and I am your brother along with these children father." He said in a stoic kind of way devoid of all emotion. He was really good at hiding his emotions but Hermione could see right through him. The thought of having siblings was a very jarring experience. She was holding his hand under the table. She once told Draco a long time ago that he would make a fantastic big brother and she was never wrong. He was growing nervous at the prospect of having siblings I mean what do you say when you find out your younger brother is dating your arch enemy's son. It is about how troubling as it by comforting an abused child. "Welcome to the family, Lara, Anthony, Scarlett and... I am sorry I didn't get your name." He said to the young child.

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