Family secrets Part 7

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The whole family was gathered there at the dinner table which hosts 30 people and children and we were all arriving the Notts, the Malfoy's, The Granger's, the Zabini's, and the Jurist's. Every family member was there, the dining room was filled with people. They were still waiting for Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy to get there but knowing them they will arrive fashionably late so the rest of the people got in together. The children were making the most out of their time by going around table and talking then Felix said, "So do you want to know what we found out?" 

"Found out what?" Catarina asked. 

"The secret life of the famous James Sirius Potter." At that everybody at the table hushed up. "We found something incriminating and unexpected." 

Everyone waiting to here the news. "You guys know he has girls literally falling at his feet even though he doesn't look twice at Slytherin Girls. The problem is he is literally not into them." Felix paused for dramatic effect, "He's into men."

 Felix smirked. "Not just any man but one particular man whom he cannot be seen in public with." Felix elaborated. "I am a prankster, I know how we hide incriminating things. He has been using a charmed diary in invisible ink to write to his bae, of 4 years which I spent that half hour in his room reading the damn book, and to be honest in the later chapters it got a bit steamy. It seems that his bae incase of emergency that diary gets found they referred to themselves by codenames James was Prongs junior and his bae was Alpha Wolf  apparently they went by their Patronus' names, so I never really got the name but I got allot of clues."

 "His bae wants to be an Auror despite his pureblood Parents who are abusive to him. Fight the bad guys all that crap. He is a 6th year because they were talking about if they would stay together after James graduates, they write disturbing love poems at the end of every entry, so one day James wrote about something cheesy and that he will "Slyther-in" to his heart." Felix said with using his hands for gestures putting air quotation marks with his fingers. "The guy is a total sap around his bae. He likes to write cheesy lines normally. It was mind blowing. He writes about his bae like he is the only happiness in his world. They were talking about running away together after graduation. once James turns 17 they were thinking of running away to some place tropical like Florida, Hawaii, Fiji, The amazon rainforest, and or even Australia, they plan on running away by next year when his bae turns 17. To be honest it made me want to stop pranking him. I found his invisible ink diary and made a copy using Electra's wand. You can read it if you want. Just say Revelio." 

Scorpius was the first to grab it. "I should be the one to read it first. I might know the person. they are in Slytherin right? A 6th year, well I  know every Slytherin in my school." They all gave a questioning brow at him, "I am Lucius Malfoy's grandson, Hermione and Draco's son, I know people. Though Felix, did mention the boy's Patronus was a wolf. I find that curious." 

"Why, What is curious?" Gregory Vincent Zabini asked. 

"Patronus' are the most revealing spell about a one's personality. Wolves tend to to be pretty lonely, so I imagine it took allot for James to become a part of his pack, for him to trust James. What Slytherin would trust James? Unless James has shown him a side no one else has seen." he looked though pages finding the right page. "Ah ha!" He found the right page. He read it out loud. 

Alpha Wolf, 

Today is the anniversary of our relationship, but it also the day where I have the most regret, I remember that day like yesterday, We were on the quidditch pitch and I know I didn't throw the spell but that doesn't hold back the guilt that eats me alive. My dad regrets allot of things but the one that haunts him the most was that he never told my mother he loved her just as much as she did in his second year when Lord Voldemort possessed her. He kept telling me that he was going to kill that basilisk for her, or at least die trying. He told me he asked the sorting hat for help and as he did that sword bumped him on his head. He regretted not telling his love that he loved her and I wasn't going to do the same. I love you. Hell when we graduate I want to get married to you and start a life in some place tropical where I can buy you the biggest house and we can adopt magical children or muggle, take your pick. We can have multiple of each I don't care about how many. If you want 20, I will trust you to not let me cock it up. But still it hurts that our dating anniversary is the same day you stood in front of me before I got hit with a sectumsempra curse. I regret it everyday.

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