Way to Hogwarts Part 14

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The stress was high today so early in the morning with the kids after leaving with the family house to go to Hogwarts. Rose and Hugo's stress was already starting to thin as they were packing last minute things. Rose a multitude of clothes and jewelry and her sketchbooks and books for classes and for fun. Hugo being just like his dad was packing his Quidditch gear and his chessboard, he could care less about the books, as he inherited it from his dad his natural aloofness, and his listening devices which apparently he got from his mom as he had a talent for gossip, but also because he wanted to spy on his sister. He was 2 years younger than Albus but he could also be a pretty good thief and he may need to borrow his cousin's cloak of invisibility and the Marauder's map to spy on his sister. He wanted to see the ponce that has a relationship with his older sister. Since he heard the conversation with Father and Rose it finally made sense that James was Gay. All his life he never thought that James was actually in love, but why in the world would he keep it a secret. 

Then again, he never told him that he was in love with Lotus McLaggan. 

She was beautiful and smart, and she really grew into her looks, and she was way out of his league. Lavender Brown and Cormac McLaggan he knew had a pretty bad history with his father. Lavender being a needy ex-Girlfriend and after she got together with Cormac made Ron hate them both more than Draco Malfoy, even though they have been progressively patching up with Cormac and Lavender. After he realized that Cormac generally loved his ex-girlfriend, he had to eventually accept the fact that they were not going to separate and had 3 children because of it; after Lavender barely survived the attack from Greyback, she deserved to be happy, and he could see that she was, though Cormac was pretty difficult to get along with and more stubborn than Ron, and constantly had this thought that any time they interacted that Ron was trying to steal Lavender away from him. He didn't believe Ron changed and was still pretty angry after what happened to his relationship with Hermione. After news hit the papers that Ron Weasley cheated with his current wife on the Great Hermione Granger, the news hit hit him like a bullet and he didn't trust Ronald but that wasn't what bothered him what bothered him is that Cormac had the audacity to call his wife a slut. They stopped talking soon after that. He couldn't believe his that Cormac had the ability to call his own mother that. but he never pranked the guy because after that statement said woman slapped him in the face at the same time Lavender did In a crowded pub in Diagon Alley. The girls soon became quick friends and had shopping excursions with each other soon after that. Lavender, after a while went drinking with Astoria and revealed that she too was once upon a time called a slut and she wasn't going to let even her husband call anyone that as long as she lived. She realized in that evening that Cormac was the idiot that day and started scheduling meet ups with the family even against Cormac's wishes. That is where Hugo met Lotus.

Lotus McLaggan, smart, pretty, Keeper of Gryffindor, and the most beautiful woman in his opinion. he got this dazed off look and said. Before he knew it he knew what he forgot he was going this year to impress the Gryffindor Keeper, he needed Cologne and hair gel. He went and called Rose and asked her to come to his room. She came immediately. 

"Sis I need help." Hugo said. 

"Did you forget something?" Rose asked. 

"Yeah, my heart." He said, "I left it with a girl I really like, and I don't know how to pursue it." 

"You love someone." She said. "How about I tell you who I am in love with and you tell me who yours is and we wont tell dad." 

"Fine, Lotus McLaggan." He said. If he thought she would judge him he was severely mistaken. She smiled attentively said she was proud of him. She was good friends with Lotus, and she heard from Lotus that she had a lot of admirers, but she considered Hugo to be the sweetest among them, and she had told her she wouldn't mind if she went on a date with him, if he asked. She said the thing she wants most is a guy that has the ability to carry her up the great hall steps, sporty, smart, kind and loyal to a fault. She envisioned a while ago that they would make a cute couple, and happy to say she wasn't disappointed. They both like each other it is just that Hugo needs a tentative push to ask her out. But she also promised to tell him her fiancé name. She had to make sure he wouldn't scream his name.

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