Dating in the Malfoy Family

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*Electra's POV*

I am walking down the Diagon Alley and we turn a corner and Artemis is speaking in a hushed tone. 

"So what did you want to talk about?" I said as sweat drips my face in nervousness. Artemis is nervous I can tell with laced with concern. Her Brown eyes meet my icy blue ones and it looks like she is on the verge of tears with a haunted look in her eyes. I notice the differences of her parents in her she inherited her mom's dark hair even though she dyes it and dark skin but she had her dad's eyes. 

She asked a simple question, "Do you love me Ray?" 

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She asked a simple question, "Do you love me Ray?" 

"Of course, your my friend." I said easily. 

"No that is not is what I meant." 

"What do you mean then?"

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

I was a little taken back by how forward she is but I said, "Yes. I would like that very much." She stepped forward and she put her mouth inches away from me but my mother's courage took over and I was the one that kissed her. We stood there for a few minutes and I took her hand and guided her out of Diagon Alley. We went to a little area away from prying eyes and I sat her on a bench and we held hands. "Where do we go from here?" I leant my head on her shoulder as she wrapped protective hands around me. 

"Honestly I don't know Ray. We know everything about each other. Lets just refer to us as a exclusive couple which means no dating other guys or girls." 

"Okay Ari." 

"What are your siblings doing?" 

"Scorpius is going on a date with your cousin Rose. He tries to hide it but he fails. Felis is hanging out in the joke shop, Ella is with her girlfriend Maria. Dad and mom are going on a date, Barry is going to Wilting Rose with Cat finally. Celeste is going to be with her boyfriend. I was going to walk around Diagon Alley to spy on all my siblings and their dates." 

"Why don't we go and do that?" Ari said. 

"What is your brother doing?" 

"Oh Geo he is asking Gabriella on a date."

"Gabriella as in Gabriella Wood?"

"Yeah, the very same." 

"Now we have to go watch him too."

"First let's put this on." She grabs out of her pocket a invisibility cloak and they get under it. 

"Is this a Invisibility cloak?" 

"I got it from dad when I was eleven. My family has more money than god." I said with a shrug in my shoulders. We laughed a little and that is when I got a little bolder and held her hand. She smiled as we walked down Diagon Alley. They went through the leaky caldron and they are introduced with a cuddly looking couple of Andy Flint with Celeste they seem regally happy and kissing each other he said, "How was today I saw you in Diagon Alley with your family how was it?" 

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