Schedules, Screw ups, and Siblings Part 16

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The students broke out into groups and starting chatting animatedly Sasha quickly became friends with Dana. She was intelligent, and blunt, when she voiced her opinion. The girls talked about their favorite foods, and what class they are most excited about, and what there favorite Magical Creature was, for Sasha it was the Abraxan horse. For Dana it was a Chimera to which she explained they are incredibly rare and they have a lion's face, a body of a goat and the tail of a dragon. They are the size of a dragon, but they cant fly; they have the ability to travel quickly from country to country in a night, and they are incredibly beautiful creatures. To which Dana said that she really was excited for Care of Magical Creatures. The two got off to a great start. 

On the other side of the room at the Slytherin table Ares Nott  was chatting up with Alice Longbottom, well more like attempting to talk to her as she sat quietly. Ares Nott was a stubborn child since he was was born, hence why he was named after the god of war. There has never been anyone who distracted him from his love of food, which he was widely known for having a black hole for a stomach, and this being his first feast at Hogwarts, he decided to put this aside for the sake of talking to a fellow first year. He did have impeccable manners as his mother and father instilled with him, but for some reason he couldn't get Alice to talk to anyone much less him. He then did something that was a second nature he sent a silent stinging hex to the girl that was literally glaring daggers at Alice. He also subtly went and held her hand. She was surprised by the action and jumped at it. For the first time since she sat down she looked at him with a pleading look on her face. He smirked at her and he put his hand on her thigh when he started to rub his hand back and forth on her bare leg. 

He looked at her and his blue eyes and blonde hair made him look attractive 

He was a sweet looking boy and many of the girls including the the one he hexed were glaring daggers at her because he was giving her all his attention

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He was a sweet looking boy and many of the girls including the the one he hexed were glaring daggers at her because he was giving her all his attention. "I am Ares Nott." 

"I know." She said. He kept giving him his undivided attention, and she was slightly blushing. He was still rubbing his hand on her thigh. 

"You're not concerned that I am a blood traitor?" She asked. 

"My godmother is a muggleborn. My god father is a pureblood named Draco Malfoy and both of my god parents are married to each other. I do not care if you are a blood traitor. I just enjoy playing pranks, with my twin here." He leaned over and Zeke was similar to Ares with the flat hair and blue eyes but he had brunette  hair instead of blonde like his brother

" He leaned over and Zeke was similar to Ares with the flat hair and blue eyes but he had brunette  hair instead of blonde like his brother

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