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The next day came around and Artemis called in a family meeting which included all of the Weasleys, So Bill and Fleur came in with the kids Victoire and Teddy along with Melody and Harmony, and Victoire pregnant. Victoire and Teddy got married after she graduated from Hogwarts. They are having another set of twin boys. They are happy and very much in love. Then there is Fleur and Bill's daughter and son Dominque, and Louis. Then is the single father Charlie and his only children Katy and Emory who are twins at the age of 14. 

With his ginger haired twins who are 16, 

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With his ginger haired twins who are 16, 

There is Percy and Audrey Weasley with his older daughter Lucy and her younger sister Molly II

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There is Percy and Audrey Weasley with his older daughter Lucy and her younger sister Molly II. Then there is Fred and Katie's kids which consists of George II and Artemis. Then there is George and Angelina's kids Fred II and Roxanne, and then there is Ron and Astoria's kids, Rose and Hugo then the last is Albus and James and Lily and Ginny and Harry. Albus and Artemis all called a family meeting as an emergency because they didn't  want the whole family to find out about the engagement between Monica and Albus via the Daily Prophet. It was 10 o'clock the next day. That is when there were some people knocking on the front door.  Artemis went to the door, and it opened to show Monica, Sarah, Scorpius, Electra and Felis. When James asked "What are they doing here?" 

"James sit down, before anyone gets hurt." Albus warns. Hugo looks at them with an uncomfortable stare and slight amusement of Albus talking down to him. "Now I have some news I want to share because I want you to find out from me and not lets say the Daily Prophet. Scorpius sit down next to your friend Rose, Felis and Sarah what are you doing here?" 

"We wanted to see the rumors about the Weasley house and Dad was right it looked like a 3-D puzzle gone wrong. Can we go upstairs?" They said in hyper tones.

"Sure but stay out of my room, and please ignore the ghoul." They ran up the stairs and searched the whole house.

"You know they are probably not going to listen to you and play pranks up there." Scorpius said in a kind of obvious tone. 

"That is what I am hoping for. They are after all your siblings. It is to be expected. I just hope they don't bother the ghoul. Darty is becoming part of the family, I don't want him scared of 2 five- year-olds." Albus said. 

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