To be continued Part 17

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Hermione and Draco were sitting in their almost quiet home except for the occasional Explosion coming from their son's room. They realized after young Felix was born that he was really going to be a troublemaker from the minute they saw his eyes. He takes after Fred and George quite a lot. Speaking of Fred and George, the Weasley twins volunteered to take the little midgets (by midgets he means Felix and Sarah) to a Quidditch game and Hermione was reluctant to let them go without another adult with them. Knowing Fred and George they would use the kids as taste testers for various homemade projects and there is also the fact that her son would never turn down anything especially when it came to his idols, and the art of amusement. Which is why he sent a letter to Arthur. Arthur had taken to writing Hermione a lot since he found out that she named her youngest son after him and that he is Felix's godfather. Contrary to popular belief, Arthur did have a sense of humor which his sons Fred and George eventually inherited. She rolled her eyes at their antics. 

It was common knowledge that Hermione had some not so savory crushes, Gilderoy Lockhart, Victor Krum, and Ronald Weasley, but she also had crushes on a lot of other people, AKA, Remus Lupin, Fred Weasley, Cedric Diggory, and eventually the one that actually panned out, Draco Malfoy. He felt concerned for him the night of the astronomy tower, and she sat outside the room of Requirement with Felix Felicius coursing through her veins hoping that by some miracle that Draco would give up and join her instead of the dark path she knew he was going on.  But it didn't pan out. Her hope dwindled as Harry told her that Draco left with the death eaters, but it returned when they went back to the astronomy tower that Draco couldn't kill Dumbledore. She knew him well enough to know he would never be a killer and it comforted her. 

She rolled around to see on the other side of her bed to see the morning sunshine through the White silky curtains of the bedroom and it made sort of a halo with her husbands white blonde hair. She gazed lovingly at his serene face that was riddled with drowsiness. She kept staring. She has been with her husband for nearly 20 years and yet she looks at him like he is a new interesting book riddled with secrets and love as his grey blue eyes are the most amazing thing about him but it is not the only thing. She loves everything about him. His hands strong and firm, his abs that may be riddled with sectumsempra scars but she found them attractive and Sexy. 

His once dark mark replaced with a golden Lion and a white snake forming around a rose and narcissus flowers, which she smiled down on and if she touched the animals they would move. She has a matching tattoo on the mudblood mark, she got on that god awful night. She has a dragon of a Ukrainian Ironbelly  and a otter curling around the same set of flowers to represent their kids. Roses for boys and Narcissus flowers for girls it expands to fit with each child they have. That is how they know what their twins will be, because two more roses just added to the ever growing bunch of flowers on their tattoos. They were so happy after Felix, was born, it became difficult for Draco and Hermione to get pregnant but they managed after 5 years and now Castor and Pollux would be added to the ever growing bunch. She smiled so brightly at her belly then the her husband. She rubbed her belly adoringly. She was so excited to for them to be born. She knew it would be handful having Theo and Fred being the children's godfather and she knew she would get her fair share of sleepless nights with the two of them with their Rapscallion uncles of sorts. 

She was still lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice a pair of blue eyes entered the room. He gazed lovingly at his mom. He was so excited to be a big brother, to his twin brothers. He knew he was going to have some fun with them. Sarah was wandering the house when she noticed Hermione and Draco's door open. 

Felix was also lost in his head with a genuine smile on his face being quiet, which goes against everything he stands for. Sure he likes to read more than most kids, but he always was loud, even when reading, which is why he had his own library in his room, so he doesn't bother everyone when they are in the library. The smile on his face was so small and sweet it was heart warming to her. Sure he had a million older brothers and sisters, but now it was his turn to be the caring older brother like Scorpius always has been to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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