Ordinary day in the Malfoy Family Part 13

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Hermione woke up in the hands of her loving husband as it was the day the kids were going to school at Hogwarts and they had to drop the kids off, Felix being especially annoying and spent all night the previous night pranking the kids leaving today Scorpius curiously looked around the house to make sure the coast is clear before trying to shove his girlfriend out the door before anyone came too and teased him for his girlfriend sleeping in the same room as him it was 6 in the morning and while he and Rosie didn't do anything scandalous as they fell asleep after they cuddled and they were reading their books in the bay window then when he heard her little snores, he guided her to the bed, and he had to get up super early in the morning so she can make it back home without anybody in his family noticing. Rose realized she didn't have a change of clothes packed with her so he stole some clothes from his sister's rooms, while they were still sleeping. Seeing that she dressed similarly to Electra's clothing than Celeste's clothing he decided to steal some clothes from Electra's clothes. 

When he got inside the room, he was confronted with the sight of his sister peacefully sleeping in Artemis' arms. They were peacefully snoring, and Artemis had her arms wrapped around her lover, and they were sitting comfortably together. Scorpius sent a smirk their way as he noticed his sister in a pair of short shorts and a tank top which she usually opts to wear long sleeved pants and a shirt that looks entirely to baggy he could see the dress she picked out bunched on the floor not very far from Artemis' dress. He smirked because it seemed like they didn't even get out of each others embrace as they passed in the clothes they wore underneath their dresses and expensive shoes I had a feeling they fell asleep after she snogged her now girlfriend. To say Scorpius was proud of her she was happy to see her being treated like the Queen she is.

Some tradition of Ravenclaws is that they make a royal family out of the people in their house and to the rest of the noble House of Ravenclaw, she was known as the Ravenclaw Queen with the last name of Granger and Electra had the poise and confidence of their grandmother, and the intelligence of both of her parents, no one could compete against her. She was like her mother, the teacher's pet and a prefect, along with possible Head girl position next year. She had everything to look forward to next year. She tries to best her mother with her grades and poise, and surprisingly she didn't hate Divination much to her mother's dislike. They say there were only 4 people that got 12 O.W.L.S. and even though she wasn't in Arithmancy or Astrology she still got the 12 O.W.L.S. and was the first girl in history to accomplish such a feat. As the people who did accomplish those feats were Barty Crouch Jr, Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley, and sadly Cedric Diggory.  Scorpius was surprised, that and her parents were so proud that they went and took her to New York, and had a shopping trip with her mother, Daphne, Pansy, and Celeste and made a week out of it. She was still snoring as Scorpius made her way out of the room and went and gave his girlfriend the clothes as they sneakily made their way out of the house without making must noise. But it wasn't Scorpius' family they should be worried about. When she arrived home she was trying to make her way up the stairs only to come face to face with a red faced red head in the living room waiting for her. "Where were you?" Said said red faced man. Ron was sitting in the chaise near the entrance.

"I was out." She said simply. 


"A party." 

"With your Slytherin Boyfriend." He said with anger not present on his face.

"If you must know, yes." She said calmly with a raised eyebrow.

"And you slept with him." He said not containing his fury at him.

"Gross dad, Gross." She said pointedly. "And it is not like you haven't done worse. My boyfriend respects my boundaries, unlike you." 

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