Chapter Eight

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THERE'S FRANTIC SHOUTING as I'm dragged back into Dauntless headquarters. There are people of all ages gathered in the Pit and they have to make a path for the boy and girl supporting me. Curious whispers follow us as I am dragged to the infirmary, everyone is curious about the blue patterns that are climbing up my face.

The doctors at Dauntless aren't very skilled. They know how to set a broken bone or stitch up a cut but when it comes to extreme or inexplicable cases, such as mine, they're left completely clueless and have to contact doctors in Erudite to sort the problem out. There is a lot of rushing as the Dauntless doctors heave me onto an examination bed and begin examining my face, arms, legs, any part of me that is showing traces of the undiagnosable illness.

"We're not qualified to treat this," one of the doctors shouts. "I don't even know what it is."

"Maybe we should get an Erudite doctor, they'll know what to do." Another cries, inserting a needle into my wrist and connecting a tube to an IV.

"I'll make the call!"

As the doctors rush around, barking orders and shouting ideas, I am left to do nothing but stare at the dark ceiling. There is little light in the room so everything looks grim, the doctors have given me something for the pain in my leg and it has subsided a little now.

"Well that was strange." One of the doctors mutters to his co-worker. "Jeanine Matthews has offered to assist the medical team."

"That is weird." His co-worker nods and casts me a look. "Very weird indeed."

I groan and try to push myself up and roll off of the bed but a young doctor pushes me back down and grabs my shoulders before looking me intently in the eyes. His irises are a deep sapphire, the colour of the ocean, and they are set in a kind olive-skinned face, he has sharp, defined cheekbones, and a set of full lips which conceal a set of pearly whites. Atop his head, he has dark hair, spiked and styled carefully, and his right arm is tattooed heavily and I spot the Dauntless flame on his neck.

"You're a doctor?" I ask, slightly breathless.

He laughs. "In training. I'm Toby."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Blue." I reply, grabbing my chest as it explodes in pain again.

Toby stands up and checks the IV drip before saying. "You must be important if Jeanine Matthews wants to accompany the medical team."

I laugh and start coughing. "I'm no-one. Is there any chance you can stop her coming in?" I wonder.

"Even if I wanted to, I couldn't." Toby says. "Max would have me thrown into the Chasm if I tried."

I clutch at my chest tighter and Toby leaves to talk to the other doctor, I sit up further against my pillows so I can look around and try and keep my mind occupied. The door of the infirmary opens and three men, all wearing glasses and white lab coats over their blue blazers and trousers, walk inside. They set up monitors at the end of my bed and I can see weird coloured liquids in glass vials and large needles on a tray. I sink further into my pillows as my mother walks in after the doctors; at this moment, I wish I could disappear.

The Erudite doctors examine my leg, the blue patterns, and measure my pulse rate and my body's chemical balances. The whole time I am watched by my mother, not once do her eyes leave my face, not even when the doctors consult with her about treatments courses, and I notice a small amount of displeasure on her features.

"Do you know what's wrong with you, Blue?" She inquires.

"I think so." I say smugly. "I think the Stim-Dart malfunctioned and released the chemicals that create the electrical impulse to simulate pain - thus altering my normal rhythmic heartbeat and distorting my body's normal chemical balances."

Everyone looks at me: Toby looks impressed, my mother surveys me carefully, while the Erudite doctors glare because I have beaten them to my own diagnosis. My mother retrieves a neon green vial and fits it into a syringe, she approaches my bedside and flicks the needle once to check it works.

"I'm going to inject you with a serum that will restore your body's chemical balance and normal rhythmic heartbeat. The blue in your veins will fade away eventually." And with that, she plunges the needle into my neck and I hiss in pain as I feel the pinch.

As soon as the serum is in my system, I can feel it taking effect. The pains in my chest ebbs away and my temperature gradually decreases. Toby runs a few routine checks as the Erudite doctors tidy away and my mother watches him intently, as though he will make a mistake or hurt me when he removes the IV needle.

"Thanks," I smile. "For everything."

"No problem." Toby grins. "I'll discharge you after you've eaten something and when you're temperature has dropped a few more degrees. Then we'll have to meet for lunch."

I laugh and he leaves me to rest with the promise of Dauntless cake lingering in the air. The doctors leave the infirmary, taking their equipment with them, whilst my mother slowly taps at her tablet for several drawn out minutes.

"Who was that?" She asks finally, looking up from her tablet and surveying me with eagle eyes.

"Toby." I state simply.

There's silence and I try to get out of bed but my legs are shaking too violently to even stand.

"I should've taken you back to Erudite when I had the chance, this would never have happened if I had." Mother sighs, helping me lie back down again and pulling the covers over me.

My stomach pangs with inexplicable guilt and I find myself regretting choosing Dauntless; the feeling doesn't last long though.

"You could still come back with me," she carries on. "Then nothing like this could ever happen again, you'd be safe."

"I'll pass." I am adamant to stay; I will prove I can become Dauntless.

"You know where I am if you need me." The brief moment of affection passes and is instantly replaced with barriers again. "Be careful during Stage Two - it can get a bit messy sometimes."

I watch my mother go with her - warning? - on my mind and think about Stage Two. Four only told us that it would test our mental strength and it would push us to the limit but I don't know what to expect. Dauntless are very secretive about their initiation.

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