Day 122

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After waking up from one of the best nights of sleep I had in a while, I sat up in my bed and stretched my arms out. I noticed right away that I was alone, which made me go into a brief panic because of the terrifying dream I had only a few nights ago. But when I saw that his bed was neatly made, I knew I wasn't dreaming and sighed in relief. When I walked out into the kitchen, I saw that Jongin was cooking and smiled at the sight.

"So, I've been thinking," I started to say as my feet touched the floor, "maybe I should get sick more often. I mean, I don't have to clean and I get to have an extremely hot guy cook for me. Plus, I'm practically being forced to sleep."

"As lovely as that may sound," he said after having laughed, "I would appreciate it if you don't get sick. I don't like when you aren't you feeling well. It makes me sad."

"Are you trying to make me blush on purpose?" I asked, a wide smile occupying my lips.

"No, but if I did that's great," he said, making me laugh.

"So where did the others go?" I asked after a brief silence had passed.

"They just went to practice more," he replied. "I told them I would just stay here and take care of you."

"Aw, you're such a sweetheart," I cooed jokingly.

"Damn right I am," he said, causing me to chuckle. "Speaking of taking care of you for the entire day, what do you want to do today?"

"What can I do? I thought I was supposed to be bed bound," I said, shifting my body so that I was now on the counter facing him as he cooked.

"Well, I'm sure the doctor wouldn't mind if I bent the rules a little bit. It's been a couple of weeks anyway, so I figured you'd have to start working again. Might as well get some fun in while we still have an excuse to, right?" he said, looking at me with a small smile. "So what will it be? We can go out somewhere or just be lazy inside. It's completely up to you."

"Up to me, huh?" I said, dangling my legs as I went into thought. "I want food."

"Eat food," he repeated, nodding his head.

" movies."


"And...cuddle," I added lastly, making him chuckle a little.

"So you want to eat food, watch movies, and cuddle all day long?" he asked in clarification.

"Uh huh," I said with a smile.

"How about we watch movies while eating food and cuddling?" he said, taking his attention off the burning stove for a few seconds to look at me.

"Sounds like a plan," I said. He laughed a little and pecked my cheek with a kiss before going back to cooking. "So, what are you making anyway?"

"Nothing great really," he said. "I just looked up good soup recipes for sick people, but it sounded super complicated, so I just went out and bought some. I thought heating it up on the stove would make it look like I made it, though."

I laughed. "Well, it's the thought that counts," I said. 

"Exactly," he replied with a nod. "I'm very thoughtful."

I chortled again and continued to stand there as he stirred around the soup. As I watched him, I couldn't help but start to smile as I wondered how someone like him ever walked into my life.


"Okay, open up and say ah," the doctor instructed me during his visit to the dorm. The other members were out practicing, but I hadn't yet been cleared to get back to work by the doctor yet. As much as I had enjoyed the time off despite the circumstances, I missed working and was actually looking forward to be being active again.

"Ah," I said, stretching my voice out for a few seconds as he looked at my throat with a flashlight.

"Alright, well everything looks good," he said as he turned the light off. "You aren't feeling sick or achy or anything like that?"

"Nope," I said. "I feel just fine."

"Good," he said. "In that case, I'd say it's okay for you to start working again. Just make sure you keep up with getting enough rest and eating properly, alright? I know it can be difficult with how busy you are, but it's important for you to look after yourself."

"Okay, I will," I said with a couple of nods. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said as he packed up his stuff. "Take care of yourself, Kyungsoo."

"I'll try," I said as I chuckled a little. "Bye." Then he left and I was all alone. I looked around a little in an attempt to try and fins something to do. I looked at the time and it was going on four o'clock. "They should be back soon," I said to myself. So, after a bit more thought, I decided that I would make dinner for them.


"Kyungsoo hyung!" I heard Sehun shout as the door opened. "We're back!"

"I'm in the kitchen," I said loud enough so they could hear me.

"Mmm, something smells good," he said as he appeared by my side. "Chef Kyungsoo must be back."

I laughed. "Well, most of it is done and on the table, so just go ahead and eat," I said.

"Okay!" he said cheerfully before heading toward the table. "

"Hi," Jongin said as he came up behind me, greeting me with a back hug. "What did the doctor say?"

"He said that I was perfectly fine to start working again, but I have to start taking care of myself better," I replied. 

"Well, good thing you have a very thoughtful boyfriend who will make sure you do," he said, making me let out another laugh. 

"Mm, yeah. I'm very lucky. I don't know what I did to acquire such luck," I responded in a teasing voice, which made him chuckle before he kissed my cheek. "Go sit. I'm just gonna bring the rest of this over." He nodded and then left the kitchen, taking his usual spot at the table.

After we all finished eating, Sehun offered to help me with the doing dishes. So, we did that and by that time it was getting late, so they all began the process of getting ready for bed. I was just finishing up cleaning the kitchen when Jongin walked in and startled me by wrapping his arms around my waist.

"So the doctor really said you are better, huh?" he asked, the feeling of his hot breath on my neck sending a shiver down my spine.

"Yeah," I said, slowly starting to smile. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason," he said in a mischievous tone. "I just, uh, I have been feeling a little sick myself these past few days."

"Is that so?" I asked, knowing exactly where he was going with this.

"Yeah...I think I've been suffering from a little withdraw," he said, initiating a series of small kisses on my neck.

"Withdraw, huh?" I said as my breathing started to hitch. "I guess we're gonna have to do something up that then." I turned around and propped my arms around his neck. He smirked and then pressed his lips against mine.

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