It seemed to take a minute. That was all.
The next thing Y/N knew she was on the ground.
Trying hard not to vomit on the stony ground.
Rys sat next to her, gently rubbing her back as she heaved.
"What...the...fuck...Rys". Was all she managed to sputter out as he sighed.
"Yes my flying tends to do that. Sorry about that".
He shoved the white flower into her hand. Gesturing for her to eat it.
She managed to eat it. Luckily it tasted of nothing.
The nausea and dizziness slowly seemed to disappear as she let out a small sigh of relief.
"Remind me to never fly with you again.." She muttered to herself as Rys helped her shaky self up.
He obviously heard what she had said but didn't seem too care.
"We're here by the way. There's the cave in front of us". He said instead nodding towards the large cave i front of them.
As Y/N stared at the murky dark entrance of the cave, a thought suddenly occurred to her.
"Wait.. what about the others? We should wait for them". She said glancing over at Rys who was adjusting his wings.
"No point. I don't really know how long they'll take and besides.."
Before he could finish his sentence, a loud roar suddenly was belt out, shaking the ground and everything in its place.
"Holy shit. Was that the dragon?" Y/N gasped dropping to her knees as a second roar came out.
"Seems like it. I suppose he's not too happy with us being here". Rys snickered almost gleefully.
"Dragons can have such tiresome tempers". He muttered with an eye roll as a third roar broke out.
"Okkkk.. maybe we shouldn't go inside. I don't think I want to die today".
Rys helped Y/N up again and wrapped his thin arms around her waist.
"Don't worry. You won't die. He's not going to kill you. Or hurt you. He's probably only trying to protect his egg".
At the word, 'egg'. Y/N's head quickly swiveled to stare at Rys's. Their faces now just an inch or so apart.
"Excuse me. Did you just say EGG?"
"Oops. Shouldn't have mentioned that". Rys muttered then gently kissed her nose before letting her go.
A flabbergasted Y/N didn't even react to the kiss.
As once again another roar came out of the cave, she couldn't help but hope that Mommy Dragon wasn't going to kill them.

True World (Yandere Everything) -Discontinued-
FantasyWhen 20 year old Y/N is suddenly transported to another world, she has no idea what to expect. Meeting all sorts of mythical creatures and even strange humans, she finds herself trapped. Especially when all said strange entities are focused only on...