Chapter 21

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"Do you really have to go?"

It was the question that made Y/N soften. She hugged the small quivering fox boy to her chest.

He blushed and turned his small face so he wasn't laying on her breasts.

"Yeah. But don't worry I'll be back in a few days. You just stay here and make sure to keep an eye on things ok?" She smiled down at him as his ears twitched.

"O-Ok". He mumbled letting out one lone sniff.

The next day, Y/N, Adam (who seemed strangely distracted), Eriol (who looked like he was on his period), Flower (Who looked like he was delighted to go on an adventure), and Rys (Who just seemed bored as usual), all made their way towards where they would find the merman.

It was a lot of walking. And it was exhausting for Y/N.

After all, she had never been woodsy before, and certainly not athletic.

"I can carry you". Eriol had said in a low voice when they stopped for a bathroom break for the first time.

"No thanks". She said running to Adams side who threw his arm around her in worry.

Eriol seethed as Rys flew above him humming a tune.

Flower meanwhile walked ahead of all of them, a cheerful grin plastered on his face, and a lot of energy in his smallish body.

He was having the time of his life.

It had been so long since he had gone on an adventure. And to meet another person from another world! It was delightful for him.

When night fell, they stopped and made camp in a shielded part of forest, Flower helped make a small fire. While Rys (who had been using an invisible force on them) also laid a strong protective shield over everyone.

"It helps ward of females. I mean if she's very powerful it probably won't help.. but we haven't noticed one all day". He had shrugged towards a bewildered Y/N.

Y/N laid next to Adam after dinner.

Which mainly a vegetable soup Adam had prepared before hand for everyone.

Back at her earth, camping usually consisted of tents and other alike things.

Here they didn't have any thing like that.

So Y/N had to endure sleeping on a thin blanket on the rough ground.

Her back was killing her.

As she lay there uncomfortably, Adam kept an eye on Eriol, who seemed to stalk away in anger to a bush.

Adam was very worried to say the least.

Eriols behavior was going to really get out of control sooner or later. And it worried Adam that Eriol might one day end up hurting Y/N.

He knew Eriol had always been an obsessive type of creature. But he never thought it would get this bad.

Flower was making smaller flowers grow out of the ground. Making a crown which he gave to Y/N.

She chuckled as she lay fiddling with it.

Rys was flying in the air, his eyes closing, and yawning as he hovered.

Y/N silently watched him and the stars above him.

The sky was blue black and purple. Countless of stars scattered through out the sky.

And once every few minutes a shooting star darted away.

It was a beautiful sight. One that she would oddly miss.

"Hey Y/N?"

Flower spoke as he laid down on her other side.


"I spoke to Eriol and he mentioned that you had once said you were trying to run away in your old world. Trying to start anew.. Maybe I ask from whom?" Flowers polite tone echoed through the silence.

Y/N lay the crown on her stomach. Knowing that now everyone was focused on what she was going to say.

"My ex boyfriend. I used to live with him. But that morning I walked out of the house. I was .. leaving.." She said her voice growing sad and distant.


Adam threw flower a disgusted look.

"You don't have to say anything Y/N. It's your past. We have no right to infringe". He said glancing at her troubled expression.

"..No it's ok. I can tell you guys. It might make me feel a bit better. But it's kind of a long story. Just know he was a bad person.. human".

There was a tense silence now.

"Ok well.. he was my boyfriend for about 3 years. But I knew from childhood. Our moms used to be friends. And I always had such a crush. He's very good looking. Very charming. Very smart... That was where the problems laid.."

(Hey guys! Angie here! So I hurt my damn back lol and I injuried my rotary cuffs. So I've been miserable at home. Lol. Long story on how I injured myself. I'm so sorry for not updating for awhile. Honestly I'm trying to just focus on getting better. Which is hard because I keep getting depressed. I can't exercise and I can't do much. So I've just been a big wreck. Maybe just a little depressed. I'll be ok once I'm better. Pain just sucks to deal with. I'll upload the chapters for my other stories this week. Thank you all for patiently waiting! I really appreciate you guys 🥰)

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