When 20 year old Y/N is suddenly transported to another world, she has no idea what to expect. Meeting all sorts of mythical creatures and even strange humans, she finds herself trapped. Especially when all said strange entities are focused only on...
Eriol- Half dark elf. His other half won't be explained till later on. Eriol is an interesting uh elf. He's normally rather nice, especially to Y/N, always helping her and protecting her. Is he super attracted to her? But of course. He is probably a yandere from the first time he laid eyes on her. He likes to play tricks on Adam. But he can have a very dark side. He's one of those yanderes who would cage Y/N up. He's also super heavily sexually attracted to her, and he doesn't really hide it. In future chapters he's going to make more and more advances towards her (so buckle up kids)
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Adam- half light elf. Half anichara. (Ram/snake). He and Eriol are considered freaks from their species so they're basically kicked out. He is extremely tall and has large horns growing out of his head. Adam is best friends with Eriol. Although sometimes he's completely sick of him (the pranks lol). He's a much .. more knowledge creature. He thinks more with his head as opposed to Eriol. He tends to stay calmer and truly cares for Y/N. He's much slower when it comes to the yandere ness and he acts like a big mommy at times. (He fusses over her constantly and worries 24/7) as for the smut with him well he's also slow on that lol
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Trystan- A light elf who strays from his species. He's very beautiful with his blonde hair and nearly got kidnapped by females thanks to his blonde hair. A skilled archer, he's also very fast. He's a cheery guy and right away takes a shine to Y/N. He's more faster to his yandereness (as it will be shown later). He's also a pretty good cook and doesn't really seem to care about who he has sex with. Kind of a flighty elf. He also doesn't half pointy ears which makes a lot of other species think he's half human (which might be true )
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