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Growing up in the world Eriol lived in was harsh. Women were always on the prowl. Children were often hidden.

And a group of species tended to stick together.

But it was even harder for Eriol because he was a half. Half elf half ___ . It truly was much harder as a half.

Your own species you were born in despises you. Your group members turn their backs on you.

Eriol never received love like his brother did. His mother often turned her back on him.

And one day when he was old enough he was kicked out.

For being an abomination is what they said.

If it hadn't been for his friend Adam... Eriol would have been lost. Lost and probably dead somewhere.

As he and Adam did their best to survive, Eriol secretly hoped for some change.

Change to how things were in their World in all of the species.

He hoped for a sort of miracle.

And one day it happened.

When he found Y/N, his first action had been to hide, but then her scent hit him.

Pure, sweet, and so different as to anything that he had ever encountered.

He just knew she was different.

And he had been right. She was a human woman but not from their own World. A miracle that he had found.

From the moment he had laid his eyes on her, to now, Eriol knew she was his.

She was his everything and he wanted to protect her.

So it infuriated him. Infuriated with the fact that more and more males were entrapped by her sweetness.

He knew it was inevitable since she was a female. But it still pissed him off.

The desire to touch her. Kiss her. Have her by his side was starting to drive him mad. And Adam had noticed.

"Eriol. You're becoming too obsessed with Y/N. I worry about you and her. You might end up going to backlands if you keep this up". Adam had warned him one day. A worried expression etched in his sharp features.

The backlands.

A dark place where the truly troubled would go. Females and males.

Everyone who went their never returned. And often it was whispered that it was insanity that brought them to the Backlands itself.

Eriol had reassured his friend. "Everything will be fine. Don't worry".

But now as he sat at the table, watching Y/N converse with ease to the others, he wasn't so sure anymore.

Just her sitting there, smiling, laughing at something someone had said, was driving him crazy.

How much he wanted to just take her. Take her and stow her away until she was just his. His and his alone.

And as Y/N looked over at him giggling, he felt his heart lurch, knowing that if this persisted, he was going to end up hurting her.

Hurting her and never letting her see the light ever again.

{hey Angie here! Someone asked me to do a Eriol POV .. so here you go! I might add these with the other characters as well. I wanted to add a tiny little spoiler about Eriol. He's connected to Y/N's ex. Connected but he isn't the ex. So you can figure out what might be going on haha. Honestly speaking out of all the characters he's the most complex. Next to An probably. Someone compared him to Violet.. and well you're not far off. I mean he is in love with Y/N but he's also going off the far end. So I hope you guys enjoy and watch out for future chapters 🥰. Also try reading my new story 'Vapid', a Yandere cult story, and to date my darkest one!}

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