Chapter 28

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Watching a dragon be born would probably be something most people would love to see.

Better yet to see a cute (or somewhat) scaly tiny creature roll out of an egg.

But Y/N sure as hell wasn't expecting to see a tall grown naked man emerge from the egg.

He was covered in what looked like yolk. And for a second Y/N just sat frozen open mouthed.

The dragon.. man (?) sat crouched over in the nest. His eyes were open but it didn't look like he could see.

Rys was saying "Well. Witnessing a dragons birth was not something I expected. And he's your soulmate. I bet nobody is going to like this".

As Rys spoke, Y/N's mind reeled in shock and confusion, as she watched a beaming Cato excitedly run off to grab a blanket and wipe the dragon man down.

"Hey hang on a second. What did you mean by soulmate ?!" Y/N yelled out as she sprung to her feet. The realization was sinking in as Cato cooed over the new born man.

The dragon man let out a weird noise as Cato pulled the blanket off him.

And then Y/N nearly recoiled in both shock and disgust as she could see his features more clearly.

This dragon looked like him.

Minus the now silver hair and eyes but the resemblance was uncanny.

The new born dragon blinked at her and then stretched out an arm, a strange loving look within his eyes, as he seemed to want to be near.

"Yes he's your soulmate. This dragon here is a special case. I found him not too long ago and it was apparent to me that he would have a soulmate. Some dragons have that. Soulmates for life. And an off chance a dragon does have a soulmate it's usually a human". Cato said in a low voice gently brushing the new dragons hair.

The new born dragon continued to reach out to a stunned Y/N. Gripping the air as if she was nearby and trying in his best way to slither out of the nest.

Cato helped him out of the nest, covering his toned looking body with another small looking blanket, setting him across from where Y/N stood.

"Oh god. Oh god. He looks like him. This isn't right." Y/N whispered as Rys looked up at her questionignly.

"This is all fucked up. Oh man". Was Y/N could utter as the beautiful silver haired man tried to wiggle out of the blanket.

"What do you mean? You said he looks like him?"

Rys was asking as he stood up.

"My ex. The one I talked about. This isn't fair. This just isn't fair. I know it's not him but this .. this is so messed up. And now supposedly he's my soul mate". Y/N said shakily watching as two horns emerged from the silver haired mans head. They weren't large and prounenced as Cato but they curved delicately around the silver dragons head.

"He wants to hug you. Even if you don't believe it.. it's true. He is your soulmate. He may be the key to helping you go back to your world". Cato said holding the silver haired struggling dragon.


Cato sighed and let go of the silver haired man, who almost seemed to fall to the ground, not seeming to understand how to get up or stand.

"I'm going to help him". Rys said glancing at Y/N almost in permission.

"Yeah. Yeah I guess we should." She mumbled as they both walked over and helped the silver haired man up.

Almost immediately his arms were around Y/N who stiffened at the sudden hug.

He snuggled into her and made a small humming noise, burying his face into her hair, his arms large and toned as they engulfed Y/N.

"You need me. You're so useless without me. Everything I do is for you. Come here to me Y/N. Come here and just accept it. Accept that you need me".

His words rang in her head as she suddenly pushed the silver haired man off.

He seemed weak as he was pushed off easily and nearly collapsed in Rys's arms.

Looking at Y/N in shock and sadness as tears started to fall down his soft cheeks.

"His mind is still like a baby or a small child's. He should be mature within a few days". Cato said rushing to them and holding up the silver haired man.

The beautiful silver haired dragon gripped at both Cato and Rys, crying as he stared at Y/N in pain.

Y/N stared back her heart pounding.

He isn't him. He isn't him.

"Why-why does he look like my ex boyfriend?" She asked in a calmer tone.

Cato looked at her blankly.

"I can't tell you that Dear. The way a dragon looks is something undetermined before birth. His human physical appearance can be due to which ever person was the most altering in your life".

Well that could make some sense. Y/N hesitated as she reached out to the crying silver haired dragon, watching as he delightedly and tearfully grabbed her hand.

Giving kisses to it as a strange feeling engulfed her.

It was the feeling of just wanting to be with someone.

The feeling she thought she would never feel again.

"You said Y/N would need this dragon to go back home. How would that work?" Rys asked in an annoyed tone as he grabbed the silver haired dragon and forced him further away from Y/N and more into Catos arms.

Before Cato could reply, a yell was heard, bouncing off the cave walls.


"Annnd they are here. This is going to be fun". Rys mumbled with a raised eyebrow as Catos shape started to change.

His eyes glowed and scales started emerging from his skin as footsteps were heard running towards the back of the cave.

Just as if this day couldn't get any worse.

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