Chapter 33

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Ever since you had come back to your new home, you felt a horrible exhaustion, a dreadful aching exhaustion that seemed to hit you in all ways.

You were quiet for the duration of the way back home and you were silent when you got home.

Everyone had definitely noticed of course, but they didn't pry, well except Night who kept trying to cling onto you.

The rest of your new "family" were delighted to see you back but taken aback at your forlorn face.

The twins muttered to each other and Rico hovered around you nervously as Adam was instructing the others with new chores and new rules.

"If you guys want to stay in this house, be prepared to make this house bigger! We can't all fit into it and have all these rooms. So use your magic and expand this damn house. And learn to earn your keep.. each and single one of you". Adam had spat out looking annoyed at the newcomers who just curiously looked around their new abode.

Cato seemed the least excited to be there, he was trying to help Night out too much, acting like a parental figure to the silver haired man who still seemed to have the mentality of a child.

Eriol kept quiet too, which in all honesty was making Adam nervous, he knew his friend was perhaps weeks or days away from acting out anything drastic.

And the others just rejoiced like a bunch of teenagers ready to have a wild time.

Except for Rys who just kept going outside to fly around.

The merman Diem wasn't there though. According to the others he needed the River nearby for replinshiment.

But, Y/N didn't really care, even watching as everyone helped with the rebuilding of the new home.

Or watched as Flower grew more vines around and kept glancing at her. But he didn't speak to her, sensing her tiredness just like the others.

Y/N was tired. And sad.. and just felt nothing.

So much had transpired since she had gotten to this world that she really didn't want anything to do with anyone.

She failed to notice almost anything and merely went up to her room when they had finished with the home. Laying on her bed and staring at the ceiling.

"Do my parents miss me?" She thought as she could hear the nervous chattering outside of her door.

It's not like she hadn't thought about them before, but her relationship with them had been tense, especially when she had been living with her ex.

They had seemed to just ignore her after a point and it had stung.

But now, she wanted more than anything to be with them, to see them, to talk to them.

Depression was hitting Y/N like a truck. And it seemed to be growing worse.

Someone knocked on her door and she sighed.

"Yeah come in".

Adam entered the door, he kept wincing as he kept moving his right arm around.

Although most of his injuries had healed right away, the hit to his arm was slowly progressing, something that also worried him.

He sat on the foot of the bed, trying to be gentle as he looked at Y/N, her blank eyes staring back at him.

"Y/N. I think we all need to have a meeting. You're not doing well and frankly it's worrying me. I know you want to go home. And I know there are bad .. creatures that want you. But I think you should open up your feelings to everyone. Explain how you truly feel at this moment".

His gentleness always stuck out for Y/N, it was something she hadn't felt in so long, and she slowly sat up.

"I don't know if I can explain how I feel though. It's just so much and sometimes I don't even know if I feel anything. Since being here I felt like I'm in a weird dream that just keeps hurting me. And it doesn't help that I keep thinking of ... well him. And I know Night is innocent but seeing his face makes me feel .. I don't know. It doesn't help that's all". She explained as she hugged her knees.

Adam massaged his shoulder as he looked at her thoughtfully.

"I understand. Processing emotions and new events are not easy. Especially when you come from a different world with entirely different rules and well .. a different way of how things work. But we all do care. And you can see yourself that most of us do love you."

Adam stopped the massaging as he sighed.

"I know I love you. I worry for you deeply. And for Eriol .. and even for this increasing brood of annoyance. Mainly because I know how difficult the outside is for them". He said with a small sad smile.

Y/N and Adam stared silently for a second at each other. It was broken with the soft movenments of Y/N moving towards Adam.

"How can you love me? How can anyone love me?" She whispered as she lightly touched the sore shoulder.

She repeated the same massaging technique Adam had used on himself.

Adam's eyes widened in surprise, but then he stroked Y/N's face, his smile almost peaceful.

"What your doing now is out of love. And what I'm doing now is out of love. You will always deserve love Y/N. Please believe that".

As she looked up at him, Y/N took a deep breathe, and smiled.

"Thank you Adam. Ok let's all have a meeting. Also we should try to find ice for your shoulder. I don't want you getting hurt anymore".

Adam laughed at this and leaned over, he kissed Y/N's forehead.

"Ok. Come Y/N".

Outside the door, The small crowd of boys quickly ran off, not that they had been listening at all.

But they already knew what was to happen.

And as the door to Y/N's room opened, a certain female elf made her way towards the now much larger home, rolling the small bottle in her hands.

It was time soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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