Chapter 4

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Y/N woke up to the smell of what seemed like bacon. She opened her eyes, sniffing and taking it all in, who was making breakfast?

She nearly screamed as she looked around. Nearly forgetting about the other day, and calming down as it occurred to her.

"Good Morning Y/N". Came a soft voice right next to her and she whipped her head to see Eriol laying down next to her.

He was gazing at her fondly as she turned red.

"What are you doing here! D-Did you sleep next to me?" She asked feeling the rush of embarrassment wash over her.

"No don't worry. I've just been laying here for the past few minutes". He beamed at her as he got up.

"Eriol! What did I say! No watching her sleep!" Came a roar and the large figure of a silver haired elf man appeared in almost a flash.

He grabbed one of Eriols arm and then glanced at Y/N.

"Good Morning Y/N. Are you hungry? I've prepared some breakfast".

Pulling Eriol into what seemed like a tiny kitchen in the corner, Y/N sat up watching them.

She still felt somewhat tired. And grubby. Sniffing herself she realized she needed a shower.

As she headed over to a wooden table. She glanced at it to see plates of what looked like salad, bread, and very strange looking meat.

Hesitantly taking a seat, Adam walked over to her pouring her a glass of water, while also smiling fondly at her.

Then walked back to scold Eriol about something.

She waited until they seated themselves and felt relieved to see that they had at least bread. Well it looked like bread.

"Go ahead! Eat! Eat!" Adam beamed at her as he offered her a strange looking green meat.

"Uh what is this?"

Adam looked surprised and then thought for a second.

"Uh. It tastes like pig meat? Don't worry it tastes very well. It comes from an animal here that hides itself underground. Most of the species hunt it to eat for its fatty meat".

Hesitantly, Y/N reached over and took a small piece, with an odd looking fork she placed it in her mouth.


It really did taste like bacon. This must've explained the smell from earlier.

She nodded at Adam who looked delighted.

Eriol watched Y/N,smiling to himself, at how cute she looked.

"Oh. I wanted to ask. Uhm do you have any showers here? Or-Or baths are fine too. I'm just kind of smelly". Y/N blushed.

Eriol spoke almost instantly.

"I think you smell beautiful".

Adam nudged him in annoyance.

"We don't have uhm .. showers? I don't really know what those are. But we do have the springs. It's nearby here and you can bathe in them after breakfast. We can take you".

Eriol glanced at Adam in alarm.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

He muttered in the common language but Adam didn't answer him.

"Oh thank you". Y/N said feeling a sense of relief.

As she ate breakfast, Adam explained to her a bit more about the world, the different species there was and how things worked.

"There's many different species here Y/N. We even have humans. But they're not like you. They're.. off and frankly I would tell you to stay away from them. A lot of the humans here are cannibals. It's rather disgusting." Adam said with a small shudder.

Y/N nearly choked on her bread. Cannibals? My God.

The things she was being told now was just amazing and both terrifying. Not to mention, that the humans in this world were completely crazy.

After breakfast, Y/N opened up her bags and viewed some of her items, even examining them.

She had brought with her, some clothes, toiletries, some of her skin care/makeup, and of course her pills. Not to mention her money and other things she had had too grab before she ran.

"Maybe in a good way it's a good idea that I fell here. God knows what he would've done to me if he caught". She thought with a sigh as she grabbed some of her things.

The three of them headed out of the small cabin. Adam walked in front of her, but Eriol seemed to stray behind her, lost in thought about something.

After a little walk, they entered a large clearing with a large pool steaming from its grasp, and even having a small water on a pile of rocks.

"Wow it's like a Japanese hot springs". She said in awe as Adam chuckled.

"Well here you are. We will-"

Adam was caught off as a rustling sound came from a large bush.

A green haired man walked out, Y/N gasped as she took in his strange appearance, and the 6 long thin see through wings from his back.

"Oh good a faerie found us". Eriol said.

A faerie?!

Y/N clutched her things in amazement. The faerie eyed them looking almost bored. He walked over to them, his walk was dainty, almost like a ballerinas walk.

He said something to Adam who replied.

The green haired faerie seemed to think for a second, not noticing how tense Adam and Eriol were, or how they had both stepped in front of Y/N protectively.

Y/N was ready to push them aside when she felt a pair of arms hug her waist.

She let out a scream and saw that somehow the faerie had just materialized behind her.

He grabbed her face and kissed her.

His long tongue entangled with hers. As he pulled away a long string of salvia was seen. Y/N was in complete shock.

The green haired faerie let her go and backed up.

"Oh good. Now I can speak your language . Hello Human".

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