Chapter 9

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Y/N was in her old house.

She felt the fear build up in her heart, as she took in everything, the same furniture, the hint of lemon in the air, the same everything.

"How? How am I back? Didn't I run away?" She whispered backing up as the clock started to tick louder.

It was dark and gloomy in the house. It always was, just showing her cage. Staring ahead she saw the familiar shape of the person she hated the most.

"Y/N". Came the coo as she choked back a scream.

"No. Just go away. Please". She said closing her eyes.

The footsteps echoed towards her, as she felt herself falling to the floor. Curling up into a ball and covering her ears.

"I'm not here. I'm not here. This is a dream. A bad dream". She chanted to herself. A mantra she had used in the past whenever something bad happened.

"Look at me Y/N". Came the hiss close to her head and she let out a scream.

Her eyes opening to someone gently holding her.

Eriol was patting her sweaty forehead with a towel.

"Oh you're awake. I was so worried". He said looking relieved, giving her a gentle hug, and placing her back on his bed.

"What happened?" She mumbled trying to sit up but feeling like her body was made of jello.

"You fainted when you came inside. We don't really know why. Might be exhaustion or just fear". He said feeling her forehead.

"No fever. That's good". He said to himself.

"Where's Rys? Adam?" She said looking around wearily at the empty cabin.

"They went out to harvest some vegetables for you. And also see if they could catch sight of those strange twins". He said muttering the last part darkly. As if he didn't even want to speak of them.

"Oh.. Ouch". She said sitting up and wincing feeling a large bruise on her arm.

Eriol whipped his attention to her but she showed him off tiredly.

He went to go get her something to drink as she tried not to think about the dream she had.

She couldn't believe that she was dreaming of her ex. Especially when she had always made sure not to think about him whenever he wasn't around.

"It's like he's invaded my mind". She mumbled hugging her knees and resting her head on them.

Her body felt sore but a bit better now.

"Here's some water. I'll have to try to find you Alken Juice. It's a juice Light Elves drink go boost their immunity and energy. It's very good for you". Eriol said handing her a small cup of water which she drank gratefully.

"Thanks Eriol. Man I never figured I was this weak". She sighed handing him back the cup as he tilted his head confused.

"You're not weak. Why would you think that?"

She snorted and stared at his pointed ears as she spoke. She didn't want to be mesmerized by his eyes again.

"Are you kidding me? Ever since I got here, I'm either fainting, getting hurt, or being picked up. I'm like some maiden in a fairy tale. All I need now is some big brave prince to make me pop out 10 kids". She said sourly as Eriol looked even more confused.

"Well..I have no idea what a fairy tale is but I don't think you're weak at all. Given your circumstances, it's amazing how tough your mentality has been since you've gotten here, I'm sure not every human from your world would have been able to survive". He said trying to sound encouraging but that just made her groan in frustration.

Eriol set the cup on the ground and gently raised Y/N's chin upwards.

"I think you're brave and beautiful. I truly believe you are the most beautiful thing I have ever met. Inside and out". He said firmly causing her cheeks to redden.

"You're such a player". She giggled and while he didn't understand the word he smiled. Leaning over and kissing her nose lightly.

"Sorry. I can't help myself. Like I said I'm very attracted to you. I know you probably don't want a mate now. But I'll wait for you". He said a mixture of emotions running through his deep blue eyes.

Y/N really was blushing by now. Even her ex had never said stuff like this before. Eriol seemed to really mean what he said too.

If things had been a bit different, maybe she would've kissed him back, but not now.

Things were too messy right now.

The door to the cabin opened and Rys floated in.

He was holding a basket full of strange looking vegetables. One of them looked like a huge pumpkin but it was making strange sobbing noises.

"I'm back. Hey Y/N. We got you some good stuff. It'll make you feel better". Rys said causally flying to the tiny kitchen.

Eriol looked annoyed to be interrupted again but got up to assist Rys regardless.

Adam came in dragging two figures with him.

"Y/N! You're up! Wonderful. I found these freak twins lurking outside. I brought them in so you can decide if you want me to hang them or throw them into a lake full of man eating fish". Adam panted a gleam in his eyes.

The twins were looking around the cabin. They saw Y/N and both tried to go over to her, but Adam held them back.

Y/N rolled her eyes and got up. Taking a shaky step forward she said ,"Dont kill them Adam. I might need them actually. Both of you sit on the couch now".

The last word was said very forcefully making Adam look surprised but he threw them to the couch.

The twins sat and stretched their arms to her.

Hearing something break, Y/N it was Eriol who itching to kill them, she put a hand up to stop him. Which surprisingly worked as he was now quiet, albeit panting rather heavily in anger.

She walked to the couch and folded her arms. Gazing down at the twins.

"You two are humans right?"

They both nodded slowly at her. Both dying to have her in their embraces, but knowing she probably would scream if they tried.

"Good. I figured the one way humans here have survived, besides apparently eating each other, was becoming great scavengers. Which means they know all the little routes and hideaways. Right boys?" She said and Maeta smiled nearly melting at her voice.

Adam looked at her, puzzled on her plan, he had just planned on killing them.

"Do you two know where merpeople hide?"

At that question, Maeta smirked while Nen just glanced at his brother uncertain.

"Yes we do. I'm assuming you want us to take you to where the merpeople are. But in return we have two requests". Maeta said as Adam snarled at him.

"What requests?"

"One. We wish to join your little harem here. And two we will be able to be allowed to kiss and hold you whenever we want".

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