Y/N pushed Eriol off her. He stepped back in surprise."Wait a freaking second. You're saying in-in this world men have babies?! What kind of weird ass sci-fi movie.." She stuttered feeling like she was punkd.
Adam nodded at her almost sadly.
"Yes. It's all true. I'm afraid it's going to be quite dangerous for you now. You don't want to be caught by another female. You might have to stay with us for the time being".
His eyes seemed to shine a bit at the last bit.
Y/N took a deep breathe. It unfortunately seemed like he was right. Besides, she didn't even know where she was, it could be dangerous if she just ran out.
And these two didn't really seem like a threat. For now.
Although, Eriol was weirding her out, his intense staring was wanting her to kick his ass.
"Ok fine. But I need to find a way to get back. You know.. I was finally free. I need to make my future". She said looking down in frustration as the other two gave each other a puzzled look.
She sighed and looked up feeling really exhausted.
When she had left her ex's house, she hadn't gotten any sleep after all, her body was really achey from exhaustion and all the physical work it had been put under.
"Uh. Do you guys have beds in this world? If you do.. do you mind if I get some sleep? I haven't really slept in the past 24 hours so.." She trailed off.
They both smiled and helped her pick up her backpack.
"Of course. You can borrow my bed. The beds here are very soft. We can answers any questions you have tomorrow. We will protect you". Eriol soothed then led her to what looked like a small cot that suddenly expanded.
In fact, everything seemed to suddenly expand in the cottage, stretching and seemingly making more room.
The cot was now a massive fluffy bed. She took off her shoes and laid down. Damn this pillow was the softest thing she had ever felt.
Eriol seemed to be humming something, and he said something to her as her eyelids felt so heavy. She drifted off to sleep as he smoothed down some of her hair.
As she slept, it had become very dark outside, making Eriol and Adam a bit more nervous.
Enemies tended to attack more at night.
They too got ready for bed and blew out the candles in the cottage.
Adam curled uncomfortably on his bed while Eriol tried laying next to Y/N.
"Hey! Do not lay next to her! What is wrong with you. You sleep with me".
Adam snarled at Eriol who scoffed and dragged himself to lay next to the scathing tall silver haired creature.
As they lay next to each other, they listened to Y/N's soft breathes, both contemplating at what to do next.
"Eriol I don't know how we're going to protect her. We are just two males. We may have our magic but you know that won't stop the others. Especially the females, they could easily beat us".
Adam whispered to Eriol.
Eriol frowned knowing he was right. The truth was while they were strong, they could not rival other species or even a female. It did not work that way in this world.
"We will have to find a way. Go to sleep for now".
Eriol muttered as Adam made a gentle hissing sound.
But neither could really sleep, both worrying about the human girl sleeping in the same room, both thinking of what the next step had to be.
After all, a human falling from another world was extremely rare, especially a female human.
As the night progressed, other creatures lurked in the forest, some readying for their own sleep.
Others slowly going to were their females were.
A blonde elf curled up in a hole, hoping that the night would protect him from all ill will, and wondering what he could eat the next day.
A green haired faerie blankly sat on a tree branch staring at the moon, and not thinking of anything at all.
A small fox AniChara lay underneath a large rock whimpering. He was terrified a female or something else might find him. He just wanted to make it to the next day.
Two strange beautiful blonde humans walked always from their human tribe. Listening to the moans emitting in the night. Neither of them looking at each other and not wishing to ever speak of the horrors they had been forced to see.
A beautiful pink haired female Elf curled up in her hammock. Humming to herself, as she swung back and forth, thinking of her one true love.
And at a field full of crying flowers, a very beautiful red haired human female stood, staring at the weeping flowers in a blank cold stare. Wanting for them to shut up, she pulled out the knife from her pocket, and slowly began to cut off their heads. The screams echoing in the night.
(Fun fact: The language Adam and Eriol spoke to each other doesn't have a name. It's just a common language any species can converse in)

True World (Yandere Everything) -Discontinued-
FantasyWhen 20 year old Y/N is suddenly transported to another world, she has no idea what to expect. Meeting all sorts of mythical creatures and even strange humans, she finds herself trapped. Especially when all said strange entities are focused only on...