Chapter 6 Why They Left

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OOOOOHHHHH MMMMMMYYYYY GGGGOOODDD :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) AS OF RIGHT NOW I HAVE 50 VOTES!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH THIS IS THE BEST EVER!!!!! :):):):):) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the kids and the plot, thank you

Bubbles' POV

I had finally worked up the nerve to ask the question that has always lingered in the back of my head.

"Why did you leave?" I managed to say. My voice was strained and crack from crying.

"I want you to know that none of us wanted to leave," Boomer said in a sweet voice. I almost wanted to tell him to stop that. I guess I still didn't want to be in love with him after what he did, but nothing was going to change the fact that I loved him, even if it is against my better judgement. Then again it was against my better judgement to go out with him in the first place and look where that got me. Sigh life can be cruel.

"It was the Powerpunks," Butch spat out bitterly. The Powerpunks? I haven't heard that name 5 years. 5 years and 9 months. Right after the boys left they dropped off the face of the earth.

"So you have been living with them for the last 5 years?" Buttercup sounded.... hurt. She almost didn't sound like Buttercup.

"It not like we wanted to! They said they would kill you! They said they would kill the Professor and Ken! Hell they said they would send Pochie the dump in scraps!" Boomer said angrily. He is like me and hardly ever gets mad, so his sudden out burst scared the crap out of me.

Boomer's POV

I was pissed at the thought of those bitchs, excuse my French.

"Listen," I said after I had realized that I scared everyone in the room with my anger,"When we left we thought we had lost everything. I thought I had lost everything. I stopped talking I was so depressed, Butch shut everyone out and was as cool as ice he hardly ever talked, and Brick was mad at every thing and everyone all the time everything you said just pissed him off," we hung our heads as I explained what happend.

Buttercup's POV

"It was a living hell," Butch said. Bubbles hugged Boomer, Blossom and I did the same.

"Dose this mean you forgive me a little bit?" Butch asked.

"Only a little bit," I whispered. He hugged me tighter. I knew in that moment that I still loved him. How could I still love him? Why do I still love him? Why is this happening to me?

Butch's POV

At least she forgave me a little bit. That's all I needed to hear. That she wasn't out of my retch forever.

"I still love you," I whispered in her ear.

"I know," she whispered back.

Blossom's POV

I hugged him. He always had I temper.

"Why didn't you tell us you where leaving?" He looked down at me. He looked ashamed.

"I know we should have told you, but we didn't want you following is or getting into it with the Punks," he said.

"Well you should have left more than a 3 sentence letter. That was not fair," I was still upset and scared and frustrated and....and... in love. Who am I kidding I still love him. But I can't trust him.

Brick's POV

I can't believe that I am holding her in my arms. Blossom, the girl I love who I never thought I'd see again, is here in my arms. She still smells like cherry blossoms.

"So about the kids, I was wondering if we could see them sometimes," Boomer said making all of us look up.

"He's right, we haven't been apart of their lives for to long, and you guys have been supporting the kids by your self for way to long," I said firmly. I wasn't going to let them strain themselves any longer.

"Well I don't know..." Blossom sounded like she wasn't really to amused by the idea.

"Give us a chance to show you that you can trust us, that we can there for you and the kids." I looked Blossom strait in the eyes as I said that.

"Fine, but you only get one chance, one slip up, one step out of line, and it's over got," she was really serious. I could tell from the look in her eyes.

"Got it," we said together.

Bella's POV

"Shhhhhhh, they will hear you,"Beatrix said to Brice

"If both of you don't shut up then we will get caught!" I whisper screamed.

I was finally going to get my wish. I was going to have a dad.

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