Chapter 2 An Unhappy Reunion

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Hello people of wattpad, let us begin with the disclamer : I do not own PPGZ or RRBZ now on with the story

Buttercup's POV

"B-B-u-tch," I studered. This can't be happening! This can't be happening! Was all I could think until I felt the anger start to rise. This is someone who I have hated for 5 years. I felt like I was bursting at the seems with anger.

"HOW THE HELL HOW DARE YOU JUST COME BACK AND..... AND...... MY GOD, DO YOU KNOW WHAT YPOU PUT ME THROUGH? NO NO YOU DONT YOU JACKASS! HOW THE HELL DARE YOU COME BACK HERE AND JUST...... I DONT EVEN KNOW! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I was crying from anger and sadness. He wrapped his arms around me. I fought and I foiught hard, while crying. I was so upset.

"Buttercup please let me explain," he pleeded with me. I wouldn't, couldn't, listen.

"NO JACKASS! NO NO NO NO NO NO!" I struggled even harder."I can't, I can't," I whispered as I stopped struggling. I rested in his arms, I was so safe there. Like the last 5 years didn't happen, but they did.

"I'm sorry," I pushed him away and this time it worked, "I have a life now, and there is no place for you."

I walked away and realized I totally forgot my kids. They must have seen everything! What would I tell them. I froze in my spot. I couldn't face Butch again, but I couldn't just leave my kids. What will I do.

Butch's POV

"I have a life now, and there is no place for you," she walked away with tears in her eyes. I felt a hand yank at my blue jeans. I looked down to see a little girl with first green eyes like me, and black hair in a braid. She had a boy with neon green eyes and black hair, and a girl with grassy green eyes with black straight hair.

"I'm sorry she, she doesn't like people," the little girls eyes followed Buttercup as she ran away.

"I can't believe she just left us," the boy mudderd.

"Oh hush. Your so bitter," the girl with the straight hair smacked him on the back of the head.

"I'm sorry who are you?" These kid where really starting to puzzle me.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm Beatrix, this is my sister Brielle, and the bitter little boy is my brother Brice," thdre girl with dark green forest eyes said. "She doesn't like men, I don't think she has ever been on 1 date sense to day we where born." She looked sad.

"I see," I said. She must have taken up babysitting.

"Would you like to play soccer with us?" Breille asked. There was something about her that made me say yes.

"Sure, let's go," I started playing with the kids and hoping Buttercup would come back.

Blossom's POV

I pushed all the pain, fear, hurt, away and put on a cool face.

"Leave," I said coldly and cooly. I could hear Buttercup yelling, that must mean that Boomer and Butch are here, too. Brick looked hurt. I couldn't care less.

"No, I won't leave. At lest give me a chance to explain," he said in a soft but term voice. I closed my book and stood up.

"You left, I moved on what more is there. You can't just come back and expect me to run into your arms. After all your the one that left," I went to walk away, but he caught me. He was making it really hard to walk away."Brick let go," my voice cracked.

"No, not until you listen to me," he said fermly.

"I don't want to hear what you have to say, I don't care what you have to say! A peace of me died when I found that note! You didn't even care enough to tell me good bye properly, or even write more than a 3 sentence letter!" By this time I was screaming at him. While tears ran down my face."I'm done with you," I whispered. He let go and it was a good thing to because I was pissed.

I ran away and forgot about my kids! "Shit" I whispered under my breath. I could hardly escape from Bricks grasp once, I don't think I could do it again. I hate my self and him right now.

Brick's POV

"I'm done with you," it hurt like hell to hear her say that. She had the right to be mad. I wish she wasn't though. I felt a single tear run down my face. I was so upset.

"Wow,I'm sorry she's usually much more pleasant to be around," a girl with red hair hiar and blood red eyes said.

"I know, she has the right to be mad at me though. I caused her a lot of pain years ago," I said to the little girl.

"Hi I'm Brylynn, this is my brother Blaze," she pointed to a boy with pink eyes,"and this it my other brother, hey that rymed," she giggled"Blake," she pointed to a boy with orangish red eyes.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Brick," I said.

"Will you push me on the swing," Brylynn said as she grabbed my hand.

"OK, I don't have anything else to do," I said as she lead me to the swing.

Bubble's POV

I can't do this! I though ad I looked at Boomer. I stand up as tears start to run down my face. I promised my self and the girls I would never to him back, but now that he is standing in front of me, I want to. But I won't. I tryed to run but Boomer caught me.

"L-l-et g-g-o-o," I studered through tears."I-I ca-n-n't d-do t-h-i-is," was trying to keep my self together but I was falling apart, and fast.

"Bubbles plea-—" *smack* I cut him off by hitting him. I looked at my hand then him. He was holding his check where I had hit him.

"Sorry," I muddered. I didn't mean to hit him. I just did.

"Its ok. I know your mad, but please let me explain," his word where so gental like if he talked to loud I would break.

"No Boomer, stop, just stop. Stop being nice and understanding, and kind and all the reasons I feel in love with you," I was still crying.

"OK I will give it some time but I won't loss you again," he said in the same soft voice.

"You already lost me," I said as I walked away.

I got halfway home before realizing I forgot my kids! I was so upset that I left them at the park! Oh no what if Boomer is still there? What if he talks to me again? I can't do this!

Boomer's POV

"You already  lost me," and she walked away.

"I still love you" I whispered under my breath knowing that she wouldn't hear me. I sat down where she was sitting and held my check. Man that hurt.

"Hi I'm Bella," a girl with long curly hair and beautiful blue eyes said. She was around 4 or 5.

"Bella don't talk to strangers," a boy with blond short hair and light bayby blue eyes said.

"Bella, Braden what are you doing?" A girl with blond hair and dark blue eyes and freckles said (I forgot to add that's she has freckels in the last chapter)."Hi I'm Bliss!" She said enthusiastically.

"Bliss don't talk to strangers," the boy, Braden I guessed it was,said again.

"Oh lighten up would ya," Bliss  winked in his direction.

"Do you know any tricks?" Bella asked as she handed me the a container of bubbles and a bubble wand.

"Ya I know a cpouple," then I took the bubbles pout of her hands and started blowing them.

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