Chapert 7 Telling Bella

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Ok so I chose to go with telling Bella cause it sounded cool, but their not just telling Bella. Annyyywwwaayy please no hurtful comments I would appreciate that very much on with the disclaimer
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the kids and the plot, Thank you.

Bubbles POV

"I will tell them," I said out of nowhere startling the others a bit.

"Why?" Buttercup asked. I gave her a sad smile.

"Because I always told Bella that she didn't have a father knowing that was the one thing she has always wanted. I will tell them, then maybe I won't feel so guilty about not telling them," Blossom put her hand on my shoulder.

"We all made the choice not to tell them. We never thought that this day would come so soon. We were planing to tell then when they turned 13 anyway. It just came out a little sooner than we thought it would."

"Ya, I guess. We should go get them none the less," I walked down stairs and saw all of them looking at me with curious eyes.

"Come here," I sat down on a bean bag chair and pulled Bella onto my lap. This was going to be the hardest thing I have ever done. "Kids, those men, their are, well, their you fathers," I spoke the word fathers softly.

"Really! Which one is mine!" Bella looked really exited. I gave her a sad smile.

"Boomer. He's the one with blonde hair."

"What about us?" Brielle asked. Her eyes were sparkling too.

"Butch. He's the one with black hair."

"So then Brick is our dad?" Brylynn said in more of a question not a statement.

"Yes." They all ran up stairs I sat there for a moment thinking about how things were going to change. To be honest I don't like change anymore, I don't like this change.

Blossoms POV

I saw my kids run up the stairs and hug Brick. Tears threatened to spill over. After all of the work we put into keeping them away from out kids, all the pictures we burned, all the clothes we got rid of, it was all for nothing. Who know that it less than a week everything could fall apart.

Then I did cry.

"I'm going to check on Bubbles," I whisper spoke to no one.

"I'll go with you," Buttercup was not far behind. I walked down to see Bubbles sitting on the floor staring into space.

"That's it. It's all over. Now they have a way into our lives, they could ruin our children's if they wanted to. It's all over," she said. We know she was taking this hard, we all were, but she seems like it's more than that.

"You still love him," I whispered. Tears streamed down her face.

"Yes I still love him. You still love Brick and Buttercup still loves Butch. That is what makes this so hard. Your hearts were shattered and we barley managed to put them back together. That's why we can't trust them. But now we have to," she whispered the last part. Then the sound of an explosion came from up stairs.

Buttercup's POV

"Oh god," I said as I ran up the stairs. There I saw three pissed of looking PowerPuncks.

"You ran away from us," Brute said coldly. "Now you can pay the price."

"Oh God No," I hear Blossom yell.

"Hello Blossy. You stole our men prepare to die!" Berserk yelled.

"Mama!" Brylynn yelled. She was burred under some rubble.

"Fuck! Hold on!" I yelled. I ran over to Brylynn and started un braying her.

"Mama? Wow Blossy your even more of a slut than I thought," Berserk laughs, followed by Brat and Brute.

"Are you ok?" I asked when I finally got her unburied.

"I will be fine."

"Boys, take your sisters and go upstairs into Bubbles room. Don't come out until I tell you to ok," they all nodded and ran off. "Time to kick so PowerPunk ass!" I yelled.


"Oh, bring it on!" Brute yelled. I swung my hammer and hit her throwing her back. Suddenly I hear


Now the fight was on. If we are lucky it will be a short one.

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