Idea #7

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Description/Summery/Idea: A girl is really passionate about swimming her entire life. In her senior year in high school, she realizes swimming isn't what she wants to do for the rest of her life. Her dreams of being a competitive Olympian become her parents' as she decides to change her future.

Genre: Teen Fiction

Possible Titles: Changing the Game, Underwater, Gills to Guts

Why?: Changing the Game - girl changes her mind, changes her game plan
Underwater - girl is a swimmer, when she finds what she wants to do she feels at peace and as if she is underwater
Gills to Guts - girl swims like a fish, fish have gills, girl gets guts and changes he future

Name - Emily Miller
Age - 17
Gender - Female
Change in Future - decides to quit swimming and pursue her cooking career
Appearance - short, average width, straight brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin
Personality - shy at first, certain, confident, passionate, genuine

Cover: At the top of the first page or to the side!

Additional: You could maybe give Emily a best friend or a boyfriend along the way. And have her parents be really upset with her when she quits swimming. And make her a talented cook, maybe.

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