Idea #15

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Description/Summary/Idea: A girl and her sisters are the modern-day Fates of Greek Mythology. They cut the life strings of everybody. One day though, the girl cuts one that belongs to a boy at the school she goes to. A boy she has begun to fall for. She has to figure out how he will die and try and stop it. And convince her sisters to undo the string and snip a new one.

Genre: Fiction/Romance

Possible Titles: Fate, Strings of Life, Oh, Hades

Why?: Fate - girl is a Fate, girl has to change guy's fate, girl changes her own fate a bit too
Strings of Life - girl deals with life, cuts strings of lives, learns about life
Oh, Hades - Greek mythology, Hades is the God of death, phrase she says when things go wrong (like oh, no)

Name - Clotho (Clo) Fate
Age - 15
Gender - Female
Fate - youngest, the spinner of life, chooses who is born and when, controls lives, could save or put mortals to death
Appearance - curly brown hair, gray eyes, fair, slight, average height
Personality - determined, spunky, energetic, frantic, loving, optimistic, sarcastic

Name - Johnny Heron
Age - 15
Gender - Male
Fate - to die in a car accident after a party (drunk driving)
Appearance - brown hair, blue eyes, tall, lanky, lean, athletic build, fair
Personality - laid-back, carefree, indecisive, fun, funny, charming

Name - Lachesis (Lach) Fate
Age - 16
Gender - Female
Fate - middle, measures the threads of lives, decides fate and destiny
Appearance - wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, pale, thin, average height
Personality - bubbly, optimistic, bright, swoony, happy, giddy, loving, cheery

Name - Atropos (A) Fate
Age - 17
Gender - Female
Fate - oldest, chooses how people will die, ends lives, cuts the thread
Appearance - straight black hair, green eyes, pale, thin, lanky, average height
Personality - sarcastic, pessimistic, stern, serious, almost scary

Cover: At the top of the first page or to the side!

Additional: This is not meant to be a Percy Jackson Fanfiction! The names in parentheses are their nicknames so they sound like regular mortals! If you need any help on Fate history, Wikipedia has good entries. That's where I got most of this! Also, I think Clotho should beg her sisters to change his fate, but she doesn't tell them why. And when she finally does tell them, Lachesis is super happy, but Atropos is serious and says no. I'm not sure about all of it, but I really like this idea!

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