Idea #4

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Description/Summary/Idea: A poor girl from Harlem is taken off the streets by a super-rich casino owner. She is an amazing gambler and can earn the man more money. He sends her and his son all around the country to casinos for the girl to earn money for the man in exchange for a life of luxury. The son and the girl end up falling in love though.

Genre: Romance

Possible Titles: King of Hearts, Blackjack, Taking A Gamble

Why?: King of Hearts - boy is conceited and thinks he can get any girl, gets girls heart, gambling/poker/blackjack/cards involve cards
Blackjack - gambling, card game, certain chances in love
Taking A Gamble - people take gambles, casinos, they take a gamble on love

Name - RJ Winslow
Age - 17
Gender - Female
Background - RJ's mom was young when RJ was born. She was single. They were never wealthy. When RJ's mom died when RJ was 6, RJ was left on the streets with nothing.
Wealth - Poor, homeless
Appearance - Long brown hair, gray eyes, fair skin, thin (from hunger), tall, long legs
Personality - reserved, serious, untrusting, angry, poker-face, great gambler

Name - Mason Baldwin
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Background - Mason's parents divorced. His father was driven by his anger and created a chain of casinos across the U.S. He has been made a multimillionaire. Mason shares the wealth.
Wealth - Extremely wealthy
Appearance - dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, athletically built, fair skin
Personality - cocky, funny, mischievous, positive, can be sensitive

Cover: At the top of the first page or to the side! (A/N: Sorry it's not great!)

Additional: I would trade off narratives between Mason and RJ. RJ is a really good poker player. Eventually, she and her casino story will be on national news. RJ also doesn't know how to feel about falling in love. She also grows self-conscious about her former tomboy, homeless self and at one point tries to glam herself up but Mason tells her he likes her the way she is. Ah, true love...

(A/N: Again, you do not have to use everything I give you! These are just a prompt! Also remember to give me credit! And sorry the cover really sucks! I couldn't find the picture I wanted, so I went with that! Thanks, guys!)

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