Idea #11

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Description/Summary/Idea: Elite snowboarders are in France for the Winter Twister Competition. A guy starts to fall for one of his opponents and tries to woo her. She starts to like him back but someone sabotages her and she thinks it was him because they got so close. He is initially mad but realizes he really likes her and has to prove it wasn't him so they can be together.

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Possible Titles: Sabotage, Prove It, Down Hill Fast

Why?: Sabotage - girl is sabotaged, other competitors are sabotaged, has to figure out who the saboteur is
Prove It - guy has to prove it wasn't him, has to prove who did it, has to prove his feelings to girl
Down Hill Fast - snowboarding competition, things went down hill fast

Name - Brendan Wick
Age - 18
Gender - Male
Rank - 4th best of 15
Nationality - American
Appearance - tall, muscular, tan, dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes
Personality - Determined, mischievous, spunky, funny, playful, laid-back

Name - Lohali Jeque
Age - 19
Gender - Female
Rank - 1st best of 15
Nationality - French
Appearance - average height, thin, athletically built, lithe, fair, white-blonde hair, emerald green eyes
Personality - serious, determined, competitive, doesn't trust easily

Cover: At the top of the first page or to the side!

Additional: Lohali is very hurt when she realizes that it must have been Brendan. She doesn't conclusion-jump though, all evidence points to him. The actual saboteur is the 2nd best of the 15 and ruining other boarders to eliminate his competition so he'll be first place. All the competitors are from different countries (that should have snow). Examples: England, France, America, Canada, Russia, Ireland, Greenland, etcetera.

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