Idea #9

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Description/Summary/Idea: A girl's father goes missing and she has to find him. She goes 'undercover' on the streets of New York's ghetto to find out what may gave happened to him from the people who have the answers - and the people she's always kept her distance from out of unease.

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Possible Titles: Answers, Everybody Talks, Careful Now

Why?: Answers - girl needs answers, girl looks for answers, girl finds answers
Everybody Talks - she has to talk to lots of people to find out where her father is, lots of people tell her different things, she finds ways to make people give her answers
Careful Now - her father has always told her that, she has to be careful

Name - Devon McNeal
Age - 18
Gender - Female
Appearance - curly brown hair, brown eyes, tan, average height
Personality - determined, clever, cunning, sarcastic

Cover: At the top of the first page or to the side!

Additional: Devon should have a really close relationship with her father. She could also meet someone along the way to help her or fall in love with or whatever. She should also have some close calls and have to get people to snitch stuff to her.

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