Idea #10

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Description/Summary/Idea: A girl moves to a new school. She loves to cheerlead, but the school doesn't have a team. She talks to the principal, but the school doesn't have the funds. She rallies a group of kids to raise money and then forms a cheer squad.

Genre: Teen Fiction

Possible Titles: Squad 7, Raise, Double Backflip

Why?: Squad 7 - girl names them that for luck, lucky 7, they don't have a name yet
Raise - lift/raise people in cheerleading, they have to raise money
Double Backflip - do backflips in cheerleading, girl gets stressed at one point and feels like she's doing a double backflip

Name - Becca Wicker
Age - 16
Gender - Female
Sport - Cheer
Moved From - Toronto, Canada to Richmond, Virginia
Appearance - wavy, chin-length blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, slight
Personality - determined, persuasive, stubborn, friendly, mature

Cover: At the top of the first page or to the side!

Additional: You could have Becca have a Canadian accent, maybe. That'd be fun. You can also have her meet a girl who becomes her best friend, or she could meet a guy and they could date or whatever. And she could hold and judge tryouts for the team.

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