Idea #18

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Description/Summary/Idea: A girl wants to escape her small Louisiana town and heads to the big city of New York. She does it to get away from her boring life there, claiming that it's not how she wants to live. But the Big Apple is very overwhelming for her humble blood, and she gets lost in the craziness. And she then discovers her true self.

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Possible Titles: Headache, Heartache, City Lights, Taxi, Take Me Home

Why?: Headache, Heartache - NYC is a lot to take in, gives her a headache, she also becomes homesick and her heart aches for Louisiana
City Lights - she sees the city lights every night, they give her peace, she finds serenity in them, does her best thinking when they are on, it's New York
Taxi, Take Me Home - taxis all over New York, she wants to go home a lot but perseveres, heads home in the end having found herself

Name - Charlotte (Char) Dawson
Age - 22
Gender - Female
Birthplace - Louisiana
New Home - New York City
Appearance - armpit-length dark brown hair, blue eyes, tan, average height, scrawny, freckles across cheeks and nose
Personality - strong, stubborn, determined, emotionally fragile at times, calm, controlled, can be shy

Cover: At the top of the first page or to the side!

Additional: Ignore the awkward armpit part! That's just meant to give a reference to her hair length! Also, you can definitely add other characters in! Give her a new friend or a boyfriend if you want! Maybe in the beginning you could have both of her parents fight her on her decision to move, but her wise of granny says to let her. And I would plan it so that Char comes back to Louis! And at the end Granny could be like "I knew it all along. Children just need to discover themselves." I'm not sure, but it's a cute ending! I also would rather this whole thing be about self discovery! But your call!

Author's Note: So glad to be back! Sorry it's been so long!

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