Idiotic Identities

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I proudly skip, yes, legitimately skip, in my uncoordinated outfit- striped shirt, sunflower dress, Daniel's jacket, and mismatched Christmas socks even though it was the middle of March- out of my last class of the day. I mean, the fact that I had successfully made it through another day of school was reason alone to celebrate. But I think we both know the real reason behind my impervious good mood.

"You seem much more, cheerful, than usual. What happened?"

I turn to face my best friend, surprising her with a quick hug.

"Is it wrong to just be happy?"

"I saw you running to class this morning looking like you'd just remembered you had a test you didn't study for or something," she awkwardly reciprocates the hug.

"I mean, I guess I was in a bit of a hurry this morning," I tuck a loose strand of my still-wild hair behind my ear.

"That's an understatement," she laughs. "I hear you almost bulldozed a freshman."

"Did not!"

"You know, you're feeling pretty confident today, especially for someone who got off to such a rocky start," she raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow and I know it won't be long before I cave.

"I, um, I don't know what you mean," you know, the little reindeer on my left sock are really cute...

"Is that a new jacket, Miss Guiles? A bit large for you, isn't it? And do I detect a whiff of cologne on said jacket? And," she pauses her examination to get a closer sniff of my sleeve. "Chlorine?"

"Um," I tug at the sleeve nervously.

"No. No, I want to say it before you help me out," she puts a hand up. "You, Lacey Elizabeth Guiles, are wearing Daniel Rogers' hoodie."

The rising blush on my cheeks is confirmation enough for her.

"Lace, you found out his name two days ago!"

"Y-your point?"

"Fine. You can have a crush on whoever you like. It's fine. Just don't ditch me for him, okay?"

"Oka- wait, crush?"

"Aw, how cute, you haven't even realized it yet!"

A crush? The last crush I had was in fifth grade and it didn't end well...

And I mean, sure, Daniel's kind, and considerate, and funny. Not to mention hot. But not in a bad way. In the one-hundred-percent adorkable way.

Oh no...

"Oh crap," I stop in my tracks. "I have a crush on Daniel..."

"Yup," she does the thing where she pops the 'p' sound, stopping in front of me. "And what are you gonna do about it?"

"I'm- I'm..." I didn't get this far! I'm a little slow, remember?

"You're gonna go talk to him."

"But- but he has swim practice!"

"So? Show up to his practice. Or wait for him. I don't care, Lace. Besides, you already have an excuse," she gestures to the jacket I'm wearing. "But you are going to do something. He seems halfway decent, so why not, right?"

Sydney, I wish I had an iota of your confidence.

Sure, I'll just waltz up to his lane in the middle of his laps, say something uncharacteristically witty, charming, and/or flirty without stuttering or being distracted by his, um, swim attire.

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