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Okay, I am starting to get a little worried about whether we were in a good position, right now, or a bad one. We walked up the stairs until we reached a door that Rose briefly mentioned in the tour, earlier on. When we went through the door, I felt suspiciousness crawling through my head.

'Okay.' Said Hermione, sounding incredibly calm. 'Do you know of prophecies?' The three of us exchanged glances before Annabeth said: 'yes.'

'How?' Asked Hermione, curious vibes floating away from her in masses.

'Well, we err...' Annabeth started to say something, but then glanced at us. She looked like she was thinking about what to say. It took a while, but she finally settled on: 'it's complicated.'

'Hmmm.' Hermione and Ronald seemed to be eyeing us extremely closely. It was getting a little unnerving. 'We would like to know but we don't mind if you don't want to tell us. I now want to know if you know of your wizarding blood status. I'm a Muggle born, Ron is a pure blood. Our kids are half-bloods. What about you?'

'Wait,' I said. 'Did you say Half-bloods?'

'Yes, what is wrong with that? It means someone who had a pure blood magical parent and a Muggle born parent. What does that mean to you?'

'Well, we are half-bloods, I guess...' I trailed off at the end cautiously, trying not to blow our cover a day into the quest.

'Half-bloods?' Hermione asked. 'Have you ever heard of the Prophecy of the Night of Laurais?'

'No, where did you hear a prophecy from?' Annabeth asked.

'Well, one of our friends, Harry, he works at the ministry too, and works in the defence department and he uncovered this rumour. And the prophecy. Would you like to hear it?'

'Alright.' Said Thalia.

'Well, here it is:

"From fifth to sixth, half-bloods shall appear

From light and dark, never here

Miss the moon, light will crumble

The Night of Laurais'll never humble

Darkness through, the angel's wing

One to save, one to ding

More to one, follow through

The Half-Bloods, all of who

Scars last, wounds don't

Which Half-Blood, whoever won't."'

'Wow!' I said. 'That is a depressing prophecy.'

'Have you heard many? Prophecies, I mean.' Asked Ronald.

'Yes.' Annabeth, Thalia and I all said at the same time. Hermione and Ronald looked affronted. But they hid their expressions from us. Only, I could see through their Poker Faces and Iwas sure Annabeth and Thalia could too.

'Do you know what the prophecy might mean?'

'No. But sometimes, it's best not to know,' Annabeth said. 'A prophecy can have double meanings, you know.'

'Yes,' Thalia agreed, 'it's definitely best if we don't know the full prophecy until it is to come into action. We don't even know whether it's a real prophecy. Who knows, maybe, whoever your friend heard the it from, they could have made up the whole rumour just to frighten people.'

'This is classified information. I do not want you three to spread this information. Not while you're here, not while you are at Hogwarts. When the ministry is ready to unleash the info, the ministry will unleash it. You must wait before alerting anyone of your knowledge about this. Do you hear me?'

'Yes, of course.' Annabeth replied. 'Don't worry, you can trust us.'

'We do. That's why we've told you. I just need to know what you think of the prophecy.' Hermione said.

'Well, if I have to guess, I'd say that the first line "from fifth to sixth, half bloods shall appear" means someone's fifth or sixth year at Hogwarts maybe, or in life possibly. The second line "from light to dark, never here" probably means "in light and dark areas you can find it but never in one spot alone." I think the next line means that if you don't see the moon at some point, on purpose or accident, then something good will disappear or crumble. But, this is a thought. What if the prophecy is about sides. Like in a war. A good/light side and a bad/dark side?'

'Yes! I think you're right!' Hermione said excitedly. 'Well, that could mean that the second line could mean that whoever or what it is doesn't take sides! Maybe if we miss something important, the good side could lose! And the forth line! "The Night of Laurais'll never humble. That probably means it's a bad thing. Maybe, it's a night where everyone is unlucky or something!'

'Yeah!' Annabeth said, basically freaking me out. 'See? Double meanings! You just can't escape double meanings. This prophecy is gloomy, I'll say that we have to talk to Rachel about it.'

'Who's Rachel?' Ronald asked.

'Oh, she's a friend. She does lots of puzzles, you see? She's very good with prophecies.' I tried not to laugh at that last part. Rachel is our Oracle of Delphi back at Camp. She is very good with prophecies for she literally speaks them.

'She is.' Thalia said when Ronald looked to her for confirmation. 'Huh.' He said.

'Well, is there anything strange about the prophecy? Does anything seem strange to you? How is the prophecy compared to other prophecies?' Hermione seemed like she was digging. Digging to an answer that was just below the surface except we were the barrier, and she would have to dig through the barrier.

'Nothing.' I said. 'There is nothing strange about the prophecy, Hermione.'

'Okay, good...' Hermione said. Relief seeming to pour off of her shoulders.

'Well, you should probably start getting ready for bed. Do you know where you'll be sleeping?'

'Erm...' Thalia said, a look of confusion on her face.

'Hmmm. Come on.' Hermione got up and walked toward the door, us demigods tailing behind her. When we got to the rooms that we would be sleeping in, there was a room for the boys and one for the girls. I would be sharing Hugo's room and the girl's would be sharing Rose's.

'Ummm... One problem.' I said. 'Annabeth and I, we, err, we need to sleep in the same room.'

'Why?' Hermione said. Curiosity clouding her irises.

'We...' Annabeth started.

'They once fell into a dark place and nightmares have been haunting them ever since. Sleeping close to each other dampen the nightmares but don't keep them at bay.' Thalia filled Hermione in on our nightmares. A shiver ran up my spine at the thought of Tartarus. I knew Annabeth could feel it too.

'Okay then...' Hermione said, stretching her words out. 'Well, we do have the spare bedroom...'

'That'd be perfect! Thank you.' Thalia said for Annabeth and I.

'Okay. The spare bedroom is just up here.' Hermione led us to a room that looked roomy enough. Annabeth and I walked up to the bed and sat down on the mattress. 'Thank you.' Annabeth said, looking at Hermione, sincerity flooding her eyes.

'Your welcome. And if you need anything, don't be afraid to come to either Ron or I.'

'Okay. Thanks again.'


'Goodnight.' Annabeth and I echoed. Hermione shut the door as she walked out, talking with with Thalia. Annabeth and I looked at each other. 'Well, we should probably get some sleep.' She said.

'Of course.' I replied, laying my head down on the pillow next to hers, 'goodnight, Wise Girl.'

'Goodnight, Seaweed Brain.'

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